
Hello all! I graduated nursing school about 2 weeks ago and was wondering when I should schedule to take my NCLEX. I've been using UWorld and have been studying for the past week and a half. Test-taking has always been a challenge for me because I tend to overthink every question and second guess myself. That being said my scores for UWorld have consistently been in the 60-70% (mainly mid 60s). I was just wondering if these scores were good or not. Also people who have used UWorld what were your scores and did u pass? Any other resources that really helped you prepare and any tips and tricks would be much appreciated (because I am collectively freaking out).

Also I wanted to add that UWorld has updated there scale and scoring system so for SATA questions you can receive partial credit. Additionally I have been roughly in the 48th percentile 

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

My advice is always to test as soon as reasonably possible while school and test taking is still routine and studying is a daily habit. The longer you wait the easier it is to get out of that testing mindset.


I'm using UWorld. I, like yourself, am not a good test taker. I'm doing roughly 100 questions per day, sometimes more. I have the app on my phone so when I decide that I want to scroll through social media, I do 20 questions instead. I'm not really "studying" at this point. I have a notebook that I write down little pieces of information on things that I got wrong. Then, I'll go to RegisteredNurseRN or SimpleNursing and watch a short YouTube video just to refresh my memory on said subject. 

I am currently waiting for my BON to receive my Letter of Completion. Like the poster above me stated, I am taking it as soon as I am eligible. The information will never be fresher than it is now and I am still in the mindset of studying since school has just recently ended. 

I took one practice exam and I had a "very high" chance of passing. I also have consistently been in the 74th percentile or higher.

Hope that helps!

- Ashley

Jessica1077 said:

Hello all! I graduated nursing school about 2 weeks ago and was wondering when I should schedule to take my NCLEX. I've been using UWorld and have been studying for the past week and a half. Test-taking has always been a challenge for me because I tend to overthink every question and second guess myself. That being said my scores for UWorld have consistently been in the 60-70% (mainly mid 60s). I was just wondering if these scores were good or not. Also people who have used UWorld what were your scores and did u pass? Any other resources that really helped you prepare and any tips and tricks would be much appreciated (because I am collectively freaking out).

Did you decide on when you will be taking your test? I wish I had an answer too! I use Archer and have the same score range. I just got my ATT and made my test date June 6th. At this point I just want it to be over with, I've never been a studier. Nonetheless, I wish you the best of luck and just know you aren't alone in the freaking out a bit!!

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