Nursing Students NCLEX


Any suggestions about taking the nclex for the second time? I was SOO anxious & stressed out during my exam the first time i took it that i had a panic attack, wasnt able to read the questions right, and didnt even end up finishing the test.. i ran out of time because i paused and thought about each question wayyyy too much!!!!??!!! Im studying again even though i studied a lot the first time i took it, but im wondering if its anxiety level that i need to control??!!!! :uhoh3: Am i the only one or can anyone relate?

I know exactly what u mean. I did the people dont understand unless they have been where u have! Have u thought about when ur going to test again? Im just wondering what i would do if i dont pass it the 2nd time! Lol. I really dont want to go through that again!

Omg Idk I think I may try it Aug 30th but I haven't got my att so im hoping that it is still open. No I don't want to fail the 2nd time I think that is what scares me the most. Thats why Ive been trying to get a LPN job but Im having no luck in that area because I don't have any work experience as an LPN. I thought to myself if I work as an LPN while studying and if the 2nd time goes bad maybe I won't feel as bad. Im scared If I don't pass how I will act because the first time it was pretty bad.

I felt the same when i realized i didnt not use to failing esp. school work or tests. that was def the first time and i did not take it well at all..i totally understand. But honestly its just a test whether u take it once twice or three times, all u have to do is to make sure u dont stop trying..not everyone is going to pass everything the first time, what might be easy or hard for one person might be completely different for someone else. I keep telling myself that Try the kaplan review also, its worth the money i think.

Im trying to look at hurst review. This to shall pass for us we will get through this

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