Published Sep 22, 2005
1 Post
Suzanne from Michigan, Bobbi referred me to you! (and anyone else who could help me out) I'm looking for some help or suggestions for options. I just graduated from an Associate Degree nursing program here in Maine last spring and I have taken the NCLEX-RN twice with no success. Do you know of any tutors in the area or review classes? I have desperately looked at my school and surrounding colleges for help and no one seems to be quite receptive. ANY help I could get would be greatly appreciated! I am back in school for my BSN, but I have to pass before Christmas or else I will be kicked out of school- so you can understand why I'm a little panicky! If anyone could give me any suggestions of help in the New England area, I'm willing to pay and travel if it will help me! Thank you so much!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
My best friend in the world!!!!! Give her a big hug for me......:)
Now to your problem, send me your e-mail address and I will send you my helpful articles, etc. Also, not sure what you used, but I highly recommend that you pick up a copy of Saunder's Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN and we can get you thru this exam. My study plan takes six weeks.............
Do not post it here, but send it to me in a pm.
317 Posts
Good luck and I think your in good hands!!!