Published Feb 4, 2006
2 Posts
I took the test last august 2005 in London but unfortunately failed. I was attached to an agency then but am planning to retake the test on my own as agency tend to charge much higher fee (i suppose). Question: What are the requirements needed as most paperworks were sorted out by the agency before. Help!!!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
All paperwork is essentially done, you will need to submit another application to the BON where you wish to get licensed, they already have all of the other things that they need, and pay the fee to them, as well as pay the fee again to Pearson-Vue. The major things are already done. It is just money that they want.:wink2:
Thanks Suzanne! But what if i want to take the exam lets say with Florida Board of Nursing? Do i need to start all over again or can New Mexico forward my papers to them? And how can i get a study guide from you? Is it for free? It seems to be highly recommended by members here. I'm sorry for being a nuisance Suzanne. Thanks again!!!
You need to start the process from day one, there is nothing that can be sent, other than the CES report that you had done by CGFNS
Each state has their onw licensing board, and they do not share information like this. Your fastest route to getting things done is to write the exam for NM. And there is absolutely no issue with that. The records that they have of yours, are just that, yours. They do not belong to your agency. You will be paying this fee, so don't worry.
You need to send me an e-mail adress by pm, do not post it here.