NCLEX review class- please help!!


i heard from a friend of mine that she decided to take the hurst nclex test review between the first and second semesters of the 2 year program at my local community college. does anyone suggest doing so? the class would set me back 350.00 and i want to know if it is or will be helpful seeing that i am only going into my second semester...i am doing ok in this first semeter, with a b average. i hear that it gets harder, would anyone else suggest this or just do nclex questions and read over winter break?? i just really want to know if such a class would really be helpful with my knowledge up to this first semester going into the second....


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Taking an NCLEX review before you've been exposed to a lot of information doesn't make a great deal of sense to me. Ideally, the NCLEX review should happen right before graduation. You cannot review what you haven't yet...viewed. To me, that's money and time wasted, but that's just me.

I have friends that have done this and it actually benefitted them. The Hurst Review puts things in such simple and straight forward manner that it makes it easy to learn. I believe with the Hurst review you only have to pay once. I would Highly reccomend it, but probably not until after your 2nd semester. It will help with your third and fourth semesters.

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