nclex registration

Nursing Students NCLEX



I would just like to ask... I tried to register online for nclex exam today and when I am provided of an option to what country would I chose to take my test the country where I would want to take which is Philippines is not there. Is it already removed or am I in a wrong site or something. I tried to follow the process I am instructed on to like clicking on Register Tab.

Help anyone!


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

As you are taking this outside of the US you have to ring and arrange your test. There is also an extra fee of $150

you mean I need to give them a call? because actually I tried to re register and strangely phil. appear as an option there I think I must've missed it at first, but when i tried to enter my info. like creditcard no and all, it says pearsonvue will contact me in 24 to 72 hrs. does that mean I should be the one calling them instead? because I tried to check my email actually because they might be sending a confirmation there but I haven't received it yet.,.

Thanks for the response! I appreciate it though..


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

As far as I am aware you have to ring them. Check out the Philippine forum in the International section as I am sure this has been answered a few times

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