NCLEX Quick Results - Free thru.....


...going to your respective board of nursing website and checking your status. I'm from NH and it's not included in Pearson's Quick results so I went directly to my state BON and looked up my lastname/firstname the voila, my name is there.:)

Sorry if this info has already been posted.

Doesn't work in all states, actually very few. You are one of the lucky ones.:)

Specializes in ER/ICU/STICU.
Doesn't work in all states, actually very few. You are one of the lucky ones.:)

IE NJ. NJBON only updates the list the 1st of every month

Specializes in ACNP-BC.

I'm from Mass & we do have quick results here. However if you choose not to use them & wait to see your name appear on the Mass. Nursing Board web site it could take a while. I took my NCLEX-RN July 1st, found out I passed 2 days later on quick results, but my name wasn't up on the Mass Nursing website for another 2 weeks after that. So I'm thinking it's just different depending on where you live.


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