NCLEX 265 questions!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


The first time i took the nclex i ran out of time at 206 questions. I FAILED!!! Felt devastated of course. According to my report i received a few weeks later i was near the passing standard in all subjects. Still don't know what this means.

Took the nclex again yesterday.......breathe......ahhhh!!!

Went in with a alot of confidence, came out completely numb. (so here's the back story)

I used Uworld and MarK Kliemic to study after i failed the exam the first time.

went in there thinking "ok I'm better prepared than last time" Boy did i not expect to get ONLY SATA, PRIORITY BASED AND DELEGATION QUESTIONS :down::nailbiting::cry: and it didn't stop there i had to do ALL 265 OF THEM. I think i died a little inside every 10 questions more. I heard that if you get the last question right you this true???

I was to scared to even used the bathroom in between breaks because i didn't want to run out of time again. This exam is a nerve wrecking piece of work.

After i was done i couldnt event do the survey because my brain was blown, i was tired and hungry and just wanted to get out of there as fast as i could:sniff:

I attempted to do the PTV but too afraid to go through with it. i get palpitations every time. I'M a nervous wreck. I can sleep, can't eat, can't think straight and i can't really talk to anyone about it. :unsure:

Feeling a little hopeless right now.....

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

Deep breaths.

The only thing that getting 265 questions on the test means is that you got 265 questions on the test. It doesn't mean you're any more likely to have passed or failed than someone whose test shut off at 75.

You took the test, it's done, and stressing about it isn't going to change the outcome. I know, this is very easy for me to say and hard for you to do (been there, done that, got the t-shirt), but try to relax--it really is better for you than the stress. Do some other things to take your mind off the wait. Non-nursing things, preferably. Get out, get some exercise, go out with some friends. Don't dwell constantly on this test--limit yourself to 10-20 minutes max of daily brooding, then put it out of your mind.

What state are you in? Do they have a fast turnaround time for getting the results to you? Or is there a way online that you can see if your BON issued you a license number?

Deep breaths.

The only thing that getting 265 questions on the test means is that you got 265 questions on the test. It doesn't mean you're any more likely to have passed or failed than someone whose test shut off at 75.

You took the test, it's done, and stressing about it isn't going to change the outcome. I know, this is very easy for me to say and hard for you to do (been there, done that, got the t-shirt), but try to relax--it really is better for you than the stress. Do some other things to take your mind off the wait. Non-nursing things, preferably. Get out, get some exercise, go out with some friends. Don't dwell constantly on this test--limit yourself to 10-20 minutes max of daily brooding, then put it out of your mind.

What state are you in? Do they have a fast turnaround time for getting the results to you? Or is there a way online that you can see if your BON issued you a license number?

^^THIS^^ - Meriwhen gives you great advice! There's no better way to say it! You just need to relax (I know...easier said than done!). But, stressing about it isn't going to make you pass, not stressing about it isn't going to make you fail, and you aren't going to get your results faster. You just have to take a deep breath and trust in yourself! Good luck!

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