NCLEX-95 questions!!

U.S.A. Massachusetts


Does anyone have any idea, I took the NCLEX this am. I got 95 questions. I was sure I knew the answer to the last question. I can't wait for 48 hours to go by!!!:bugeyes:

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:ancong!:now :onbch:

If after 48 hours you do not find a license # on your State Board of Nursing website

Specializes in pediatric/geriatric.

congatulations!!!!! i'm so happy for you. i just saw my license online. its official. it expires in 6 months. i hope we don't need any ceu's or school will count. i start umass january 28th. if you want some info let me know. congratultions again. :w00t::balloons::balloons::redbeathe

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
If after 48 hours you do not find a license # on your State Board of Nursing website

No it does not mean you have failed. I also think it is better to wait for letter as sometimes things get missed at BON level

Finally, after 6 days of painful waiting I have found out that I passed the Nclex. What a relief.:w00t::w00t::w00t:

Specializes in pediatric/geriatric.

Congradulations!! Six days?? OMG i feel so bad but at least its over now. take care


Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.
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