NCLEX-PN 85 Questions (mostly SATA)

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi everyone! I'm writing this post from my experience to hopefully ease some new test takers anxiety (because we all experience it after taking this exam). I've seen millions of threads on allnurses about the number of items and how we predict pass and fail rates so on and so forth. Taking my exam, the first question I immediately struggled with. I was blown away because I had thought the first question was supposed to be somewhat simple. By the third question I had my first select all that apply format. From that question to question 25... was ALL SATA. Let me just say that SATA is a struggle for just about everyone; however, I hardly EVER get them right. This format is just so extremely tricky and especially on the NCLEX. I started to feel discouraged as I went on because I must have had at LEAST 30 more SATA as the exam continued... approximately 50 out of 85 questions. When my test shut off at 85 questions, I felt relieved that I no longer had to struggle through an exam that I knew there was no way of passing. HOWEVER, I was wrong. I got the results one hour ago and my name came up with PASS. I hope every nurse to be reading this thread will learn to be positive and to believe in themselves, because you absolutely can do it. No matter how many SATA you may face. Any other questions feel free to ask, cause I know I certainly wanted some clarity after waiting for my results.

Good luck to all of you and God bless!! :)

Congrats on a job well done.

hi, how are the questions like. is it almost like practice questions similar style? i'll be taking my exam soon and i wanted also to know what did use to study

It's definitely similar to Saunders or ATI I would say... In a sense most of the test is really just having good nursing judgement and good critical thinking skills. If you know your material, you'll do just fine! Most of the stuff I studied wasn't even on the test... And they were mainly just testing to see if I would know what to do in the situation more than what I know about the specific disease, pathology, ie. they were asking... Good luck to you !! :)

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