Published Feb 27, 2017
2 Posts
I took my NCLEX for the first time on February 22, 2017 and the exam shut off at 75 questions.
I live in California and cannot opt for the early unofficial results.
All but 3 people (myself included) in my class that have taken their NCLEX have received their results on the BreEZe verification site within 48-72 hours.
when I took the exam, after waiting several minutes with my hand up, and being the only person in the testing room, I finally stood up.
One of the TA's finally showed up and said "you weren't suppose to get up". I asked her what would happen and she said that my results could be held. She said she would write a disclaimer for me and it shouldn't be a problem, however.
Unlike my boyfriend and my other friend who took their exams at the same time as me at the same location, I did not receive my notice. This obviously had me feeling defeated.
I've been at the top of my class throughout the whole program, and was doing well on Kaplan.
Since then, I've been freaking out.
Once I didn't get the news after 48 hours I tried the PVT (supposedly it's been "fixed" though), but I just didn't know what to do. I put in all my CC info, but changed the 3 numbers on the back of the card. It simply told me my payment was declined.
This also made me feel like crap.
The next day I tried again with a CC that just didn't have enough money on it and it accepted my re-registration. According to rumors, this means I failed.
I also contacted Pearson Vue about my "hold" and they promptly replied stating that there weren't any holds on my exam on their end, and my results were sent to BON.
The only ounce of hope that remains is that despite the disclaimer made my Pearson Vue, the BON still placed a hold on my results to R/O me getting up. Otherwise, I just feel like I failed...miserably at 75 questions. =(
It just makes me wonder if that's the case, maybe that's why Pearson Vue let me re-register, because the second eval of my exam technically hasn't been completed yet??
One way or another, I just want to know so I can either A) continue with my career or B) accept the fail and start to move forward with the next step.
My question(s) are:
1. Has anyone ever been able to re-register after 24 hours and still passed?
2. If you did fail, how long did it take for your to get notice in the mail?
77 Posts
They said it takes 2-4 weeks.
Honestly speaking, pearson vue is the one who can HOLD your results. Our CA BRN has nothing to do about it. I hope you are well. I've tested feb 16, still no result yet. I had a good pop up but I have no idea how accurate it is
Extra Pickles
1,403 Posts
A Hold can be placed on your exam results meaning that until a determination is made regarding the validity of your exam, Pearson Vue can hold onto the pass/fail results until the investigation is concluded. If Pearson Vue told you that there is no hold on your exam, then that is that, and your results were sent on to the Board of Nursing. The BON does not place any Hold status on an exam, once they have the results they then determine if they are issuing you a license. Some states don't make that decision until after the Pass results are received, meaning that even a Pass on the NCLEX doesn't mean a license, it means passing the NCLEX only.
In your situation you know that once the Board of Nursing has your results, a license will be issued if you passed, or denied if you failed. There is no Hold on their end, California is a really slow moving state BON but you already jumped through the hoops before taking the NCLEX, for that BON NCLEX is the last step.
Paying for a new test means that it is most likely that you failed, I'm sorry. It isn't 100% so I wouldn't ever place my trust in a game which is what the PVT is, but you've already spent the money. It's possible that you paid for an exam you won't need to take in which case you wasted the registration fee, but it's more likely that you didn't pass this time. Pearson Vue has already sent your results to the BON but I think the Candidate Performance Report, the thing that tells you where you didn't do well and what you need to work on, comes from Pearson Vue. Hopefully it won't be too long before you get that, so you can start working on whatever you need to work on to pass next time. Maybe you're one of the miniscule number who paid for a registration but passed anyway? Sorry!