All of a sudden I am really depress Today

Nursing Students NCLEX


Hi guys, I do not know, but just receive report on my classmates, and every one of them who took the test so far pass, I am the only one that failed. They keep and telling me, "why you don't go do your exam, it is so easy, we know you are going to pass," but guess what I am so embarrassed to tell them I did my exam and I failed. Also one of my girlfriend from class, who just pass on thursday, called me and told me, guess what the dummest boy in the class, pass, she is like, we know you can do it, but guys how do I face such an embarassing feeling, knowing that, you were an A student in class, this is so annoying to me, thought I was getting over this feeling, now it is coming right back, please help me to overcome such an embarassing mood, give me some cheers, and lightened my day, not to mentioned my 2nd try is in 3 weeks, thanks guys, just needed someway to vent. Please, where are the ones that pass, are they still around to help and comfort the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th all the way up to 99 timers, just kidding with the ninety nine, take care guys. Luv u all

i just found out today that i failed the nclex, it was my first attempt. i had all 265 questions...

lucky13, i tried to reach inside to find magical words to make you suddenly feel better, but alas i have only ordinary ones to offer and here they are: i know really smart students who failed and really weak students who passed. the really smart students who failed got the wackiest questions...its really all a lottery. i also know a student who had to stop amidst her last quarter, when she was at the top of her class, because of cancer. i think it helps to remember that when we fail, we are really not alone (it just feels like it) and that this is just a test, and one we can re-take at that! its not life & death, just a roadblock.

that which doesn't kill us, only serves to make us stronger.

One of my friends who is really smart was the first in our class not to pass. Some of it was test anxiety I believe on her part. She told me when she got her review sheet from the BON it told her what to be looking at, she said that most of it said she was near passing and only one thing she truely passed.

I was always one of the first 5 to finish a test during school (we had 23 students), so I had to make myself slow down and read each question during NCLEX, then I would ask myself what were they asking for me to do, then I would look at the answers if none of the answers were what I thought they were looking for I would look back at the question and answers to figure out what they were trying to get out of me. Took kaplain and they say to look at the answers to see if it is an assessment or implementation answer, if there wasn't alot of assessment in the question go with the assessment answer then ask yourself if it makes sense. If it does then go with it, if it doesn't look at the implementation answers and see which one of them makes sense to go with the question.

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