67% on kaplan trainer 6

Nursing Students NCLEX


anyone taken kaplan review and got 67% on question trainer 6 and pass the real exam. my scores are as follow

question trainer 4 58%

question trainer 5 65%

question trainer 6 67%

i plan to do question trainer 7 tomorrow as i test on thursday.

My study plan was short. I graduated April 3 and took the exam April 29. I did not have time before I graduated to study due to my 36-48 hours of clinicals I was doing every week on top of school.

What I did:

I got ready in the morning like I was going to go somewhere. I put snacks, water and tea/coffee next to the computer. I would not move unless I had to use the bathroom or get up for lunch.

I went through as many as 500 questions/day. I would read through the rationals of the questions I missed and take notes if I missed them due to content.

When I needed a break from looking at questions. I would break out my text books and look up the topics I missed. If there was a question on lupus that I did not know, I would take notes on lupus as a topic because I did not think the questions would be the same as on the NCLEX.

Two days before the test, all of my test scores started dropping by 10-15%. I just stopped taking the test. I felt that being frustrated would hinder me more than one day of questions would help me.

The last day and a half I pulled out 30 pages of notes I had been taking over the last few weeks. I read them twice. I was so tired of studying, I just relaxed for the rest of the day.

My test was at 8 am. I had $10 for parking. I had another $10 just incase the machine would not take the the other bills. I brought food and water in my purse just in case I was hungry. I showed up at the testing center at 7:15 and started the test about 7:30.

I was not nervous when I started the test. I started to get tired at about 35 questions so I took a break and walked around (when I am tired I just start clicking stuff; bad idea). I thought my questions were easier at the end of the test because they seemed like information questions that I just did not know but I narrowed it down and gave my best 50/50. It asks if you want a break at 74 questions. I opted not to. I was wishing it would shut off at 75 and I just COULDNT go to break knowing I had one question. When the screen went grey my palms started sweating. Less than 2 hours and out. I knew I passed when I walked out.:eek:

Wishing you good luck on your NCLEX tomorrow.

i just took the kaplan review last week and our teacher said that 60% would be passing for the NCLEX...so it does seem pretty discouraging but it means you are doing good and on the right track for the NCLEX!

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