nclex 2 days away....


hey everyone!

so i am taking my test monday afternoon. and of course the anxiety is setting in and i feel unprepared. but i know this is normal!! i have done my complete qbank and all of the trainers. based on the conversations i've read here i have similar scores as everyone else that has passed (mid 60's). i know i am ready... i just want to get it over with by now! but i just wanted to ask everyones opinion on what to do these last few days as far as studying. i don't have the control to just relax all weekend so i plan on studying until tomorow afternoon and then take the whole evening off.

should i just read the study guide from allnurses?

should i go over my rationales from the trainers?

should i skim over my notes and read the kaplan review book?

i'm trying to stay postive but im getting super nervous so i can't focus on anything! everything i read it just goes out the door!? thanks for any suggestions! :)

i am taking mine on tuesday! i am in the mid 60's for most of my kaplan stuff too. i'm finishing up trainer 6 today and then doing trainer 7 tomorrow. my plan is to go over meds i'm bad at (psych meds, my worst subject), review lab values, review contact/droplet precautions, and maybe do some more select all that apply questions. (all my classmates said they had tons of these).

and then maybe if i'm lucky i'll allow myself to relax.

good luck!!

thanks for the advice!! those are great ideas. especially the SATA... which i am horrible at... ugh!!! good luck to you too!!!

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