Hey Y'all
I hope y'all don't mind if I drop into your "virtual OR" for a minute. I've got a question thats been bugging me and thought you-guys had some of the highest quality exchanges on the forum. (A little flattery to ease my way in...)
I've observed that the CRITICON NBP cuffs that are virtually universal in this area are frequently mis-used. I think. By that I mean--I find 'em 'up-side-down' (the 'artery' arrow proximal) and in strange locations (around the ankle) and of the wrong size (leg cuffs wrapped around a perfectly normal sized upper arm).
Many of these folks are getting drips for their BPs--Tridil, Neo, Dopamine. And pretty often when I 'correct' the NBP Cuff I can (natually) rapidly wean the drugs. So I am morally certain that the prev ICU nurse was ignorant/negligent in the basic matter of measuring the BP. But I have no way to prove it, so have not said anything.
Would love to suggest that some instruction and policy/procedures be given about this but a google-search today yielded nothing (except a chance to EMail GE Healthcare--who bought CRITICON out, it seems--which I did).
Any feedback from y'all? Any manuals from manufacturer or excerpts from your policy books? Just advice or experiences?
Sure 'preciate ya
Papaw John