National University San Diego July 2011 ABSN hopeful

U.S.A. California


Hi Everyone!

I applied to National University's ABSN program. I took the TEAS and sat for the proctored essay in January, they said we'd hear back by the end of's February 24th and I haven't heard anything. The suspense is killing me...has anyone heard anything? I haven't seen anyone post anything about National in a while, so I thought I'd start a new thread.

The cohort 27 group got their acceptance letters through the mail. Our orientation packet came via email though. The acceptance letter was basically "yay you got in! now we're not going to tell you anything until you get the orientation packet." I guess because of whatever was going on with the October applicants we didn't get the orientation packet for 3 or 4 weeks.

There is a lot of information that you will want that won't be included in the orientation packet (where good places to get immunizations done, financial aid stuff etc). Our cohort started a facebook page and a yahoo group so that we could pool our info and it seems like its been a big help so I highly recommend doing that if you get accepted. :)

Good luck! I can't wait to hear who got accepted! :yeah:

Hey Swede_girl,

Thanks for the information! What is the fb page group called?

Hi All.

I am new to and was excited to find information about NU in San Diego. I am scheduled to take my TEAS/Exam on March 17, 2012. I just rec'd the TEAS V study guide so I have about one month study.

I was wondering if there was anyone that is currently in the program working full time? How are you able to balance the work/school? How many days/week are you in school? What time do they start and how long? I don't think I can afford to quit my job but I don't want this to stand in the way of my dream of becoming a nurse. Any insight or advice would be great.

Thanks everyone.


Hi Sopheap,

I don't believe that anyone in my cohort is working full time. I know one girl has been averaging about 30 hours per week but I don't know how she does it. It depends on the class though and the type of job you have. Some of the classes are online so you can probably work full time during those classes but the ones with clinicals are much more difficult to manage.

Good luck with your TEAS test and application. :)

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