National University San Diego July 2011 ABSN hopeful

U.S.A. California


Hi Everyone!

I applied to National University's ABSN program. I took the TEAS and sat for the proctored essay in January, they said we'd hear back by the end of's February 24th and I haven't heard anything. The suspense is killing me...has anyone heard anything? I haven't seen anyone post anything about National in a while, so I thought I'd start a new thread.

Have you guys heard anything yet on getting in??

kjlewis76- no word yet, we're supposed to hear by the end of next week. Did you apply also?

No, I'm just starting the program. I just wondered if you had heard so I can judge how long is "normal" to wait, when I do apply! :)'s Tuesday, my mail came...and nothing!!! arrggh.. I am going nuts....have you gotten anything yet?

NO! Nothing for me either!! Hopefully tomorrow :) Crossing fingers!

sdopem - Did your mail come yet today? I'm still waiting for mine!! I am so sick of waiting!!!!

Nothing in the mail today either :confused:

I broke down and emailed Margie. The letters haven't been mailed yet... She said she is hoping we'll get them by Saturday but could be next week. She was very nice and understood my anxiety about it. Sorry I don't have better news.

Thank you so much for the update!!!!! I was on the verge of insanity!!!!!! I called her extension this morning and she has a greeting on there saying that they were in a univeristy meeting today, and then she stated that the letter for the July cohort will go out on Friday (tomorrow). She said to allow time for post office processing. Whatever:down:

sodepm - My letter came today and it's a no for me. I am reapplying for the March 11th deadline. I hope you got better news than I did.

Nuhopeful...I'm so sorry! Are you OK? I did get accepted but I am sad you didn't, even though we don't "know" each other I felt like I already had buddy... you have a good attitude about it. Maybe just re-take the TEAS test, I've seen on other threads that you can email and find out what the cut off was and how you did on the essay. That way you know where you need to improve.

Good luck!

I am actually surprisingly well. I think it's because I actually know what the results are. I am applying for the March 11th deadline, and I think as long as I can rock the TEAS, I will be fine. I'm going to email and get my admissions score on Monday. Congrats to you!!!! How exciting.:yeah:

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