National University San Diego Cohort 77

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi all! I'm starting this forum because the previous cohorts did the same thing and those forums have been very helpful to me. I am applying to Cohort 77 in San Diego and am wanting to connect with others that are applying as well so we can keep each other updated throughout this process. ?

Hey guys, any emails yet?

nursingapplicant1223 said:

Hey guys, any emails yet?

I just checked about 5 min ago and nothing on my end.

Hey guys! 

Nothing on my end yet fingers crossed! Good luck everyone! 

Still nothing from my end as of tonight. Tomorrow must be the day! Good luck again to everyone!!

Specializes in CNA.

Hello guys !
I applied as well, but looking at everyone's stats I'm starting to get a little nervous. ?However, congrats on those scores !!
I haven't received anything. I hope we all can get an interview/spot. 
Good luck to everyone!

Yoselin Perez said:

Hello guys !
I applied as well, but looking at everyone's stats I'm starting to get a little nervous. ?However, congrats on those scores !!
I haven't received anything. I hope we all can get an interview/spot. 
Good luck to everyone!

Welcome!! Good luck to you too! Hoping to hear something soon??

Specializes in Fertility & Women's Health.

Still nothing... Wonder if they'll at least send an update if they're not planning to release today ??

I'm sure they'll say something...right ? ?

Good luck everyone!

Ugh I'm over here STRESSING, refreshing my email every 2 seconds LOL

Afd said:

Still nada ?

Same here.. it's starting to get late in the day, I wonder if we'll hear anything at all today.

nursingapplicant1223 said:

Same here.. it's starting to get late in the day, I wonder if we'll hear anything at all today.

Yeah, I don't think we'll hear anything today. Hopefully early next week!

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