national Nurse Shadow Day ?????

Nurses General Nursing


We should collectively write to our deadbeat legislators & request a National Nurses Shadow Day where they could follow us around, see what its like and maybe GAIN A LITTLE RESPECT for us. This idea could then be expanded to include your friendly neighborhood CEO and CFO, CNO, etc.

Oh wait. What the HELL am I thinking? Our work is soooo beneath these folks. Why, they can't get their hands dirty:rolleyes: . Nevermind. I am just hallucinating again.:p

This song and dance would look great with cane, tux /tails

a little fred astaire if you please(it helps to know the tune of me and my shadow, only those over 40 will benefit)

Me and my sha-dow (tap dance)

Come and see just what I do

Me and my sha-dow

Hey lookout for that blood and poo

We work in all kinds of wea-ther

Get to know me,

And maybe things will get be---ter---

(Or maybe not)

Me and my sha-dow

come and work night shift with me......

Me and my shadow,

Where are you going,

why must you flee????

You hardly got to see

what it is that

Come really don't ca-re

Do you, boo hoo, boo boop bi doop

Me and my shadow

It has left me all alone

Management is now absent

Can't even get them on the phone

Maybe they'll make things

sweet as clo-ver

Yea maybe

when hell freezes o-ver

Goodbye my sha-dow

I'm so sorry you ran from me

Guess you got fright-ened

Must be the real-li-tyyyyyyyyyy!!!

Thank you, thank you very much


Holy "poo"!! I haven't laughed that hard in awhile. You are so creative!!!!!!!

During nurses week our suits do shadow people. Of course they make sure the person being shadowed has a fantastic doable assignment and nice families. Our VP of Nursing said that there didn't seem to be any problem with those that were "shadowed" getting the job done. My questions are: What was the census and acuity, did the nurse have his/her typical assignment, were they purposely given a lighter load than usual?

I'd prefer all suits with RN licensure who are no longer (or never really were) direct caregivers at the bedside, be requird to put in clinical time and not be given preferential treatment and they should also not be introduced to the patients as VP of Nursing. Should be I will be your nurse today. And no easy assignments-they get what we get.

leesonlpn....."hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"....(lord have mercy!)


Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.

Howdy yall

from deep in the heat of texas

Deam a little dream for me

doo wah ditty

Leesonlpn, that was great!!! Very creative and yes, I did know the tune...darn, now it's stuck in my head!!!:chuckle

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