Published Sep 9, 2011
10 Posts
Went to a conference on nursing technology and the speaker mentioned nanonursing as the future of nursing. ANyone familiar with this specialty?
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
Not even Google can explain what it is!
274 Posts
I have never heard of nanonursing. Can't wait to see what responses you get.
xtxrn, ASN, RN
4,267 Posts
It looks like another class of drugs that will be prohibitively expensive- so an indirect genocide for some. The safety issues with the public (compliance with PPE r/t toxic waste) will also be an issue based on that link. That opens up the legal cans of worms....and more price increases because of paying out claims because of exposure to the meds.
IDK.... always good to find new ways to do things, but at the same time, they have to be safe for the dimmest bulb that may end up using them. If the price and safety issues are dealt with, and there are improved outcomes, great :)
They're already doing gene-directed chemo w/orificenic for leukemia (BTDT)- but it's not about the delivery system, but the actual heavy metal itself.
linearthinker, DNP, RN
1,688 Posts
I think nanotech is going to occupy a huge market in the future for therapuetic pharmacology and diagnostic assessments, but I don't think nurses are likely to be heavily involved simply b/c they lack the fundamental education. Most registered nurses I know don't understand pharmocodynamics and pharmacokinetics of the common drugs they already administer commonly, lol. Unless there are some drastic changes to nursing education, I think asking them to participate in molecular profiling and writing molecular-based treatment regimens seems outside of the skill set of the average RN.
ETA: it is certainly outside of mine.