nanda for total hysterectomy


Hi, can someone help me here, i'm trying to figure out what nursing diagnose I can use for total hysterectomy? any suggestions???

Hi, can someone help me here, i'm trying to figure out what nursing diagnose I can use for total hysterectomy? any suggestions???

OK... in order to get a grasp on the nandas you need to break out your nanda book...and then look thru them till the lights start coming on with ideas. :idea: ;) Lots of things can go wrong... (1) it's a surgery... (2) there's body and psychosocial issues... but you prioritize them in order of improtance thereby you go back to the ABCs and then the heirarchy (physical before psychosocial and remember pain is psychosocial).

So look over your list...and then think about all the things that can happen with a hysterectomy... (with any surgery really...) and then think about the psychosocial part..and look those over... and you should see nandas jumping off at you. Good luck!

PS if you aren't sure what can go wrong with a specific issue (i.e. hysterectomy) then you can look it up in your procedures (med/surg) book or your book of diseases (e.g why is she having this hysto?) and get ideas from there as well...then think about that info and then look again thru your nandas to see what falls into the categories.

now if you have trouble with your dx r/t AEB...then... practice and ask the instructor for feedback...cuz they can be tricky.

But one simple and very quick one is infection, risk for... (b/c of surgery, is there not always risk for infection.... sepsis...etc etc..) r/t surgical procedure.... AEB pt had hysterectomy...

What about, Bleeding, risk for... r/t ....

What about Thrombus, risk for...r/t....

What about airway....

You have to look at your patient as a whole..not just the procedure they had (which is just starters)...but what other underlying factors need to be considered for that patient. That is, do they have other things going on? Are they a diabetic, for example... or whatever,..what other medical issues if any... what about family and support...what about pain management...

So... start with that primary issue and then look over their situation as a whole. Think about what risks are involved but also, what is actually going on if they develop post op pneumonia you are obviously going to deal with airway nandas...risk for other issues... (d/t increased permeability etc etc)

Anyway you'll get the hang of it...I hated those things.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

I'll get you started. . .

  • Risk of self-concept disturbance R/T perceived effects on sexuality and feminine role. . .
  • Risk for ineffective managment of therapeutic regimen R/T knowledge deficit of wound care, signs of complications, activity restrictions, hormone therapy, change in menses. . .
  • Risk for trauma to ureter, bladder and/or rectum R/T. . .
  • Risk for lady partsl bleeding R/T. . .
  • Risk for deep vein thrombosis. . .
  • Risk for potential fistula formation. . .

Don't forget postop stuff that pertains to all general surgery patients:

  • Risk for altered respiratory function R/T immobility as a result of postanesthesia state and pain. . .
  • High risk for infection by invading organism R/T disruptions of skin integrity, presence of foley catheter. . .
  • Pain R/T surgical interruption of body structures, flatus and immobility. . .
  • Risk for constipation R/T decreased peristalsis. . .
  • Activity intolerance R/T pain and weakness. . .
  • Risk for urinary retention [depends of whether patient has a catheter in or out]

Thank you soo much, your information really helped me. I need to get me a nanda book asap! I'm just finishing up my nursing fundamentals class at Rio Hondo College. My Nursing program actually starts this fall w/Med-Surg and Pharmacology. wish me luck. Do u have any advise for me as to how I should be preparing for that class?

I'm so glad I found this forum. You girls have been so helpful in sharing your knowledge with all of us newbees! I really appreaciate it. Thanx again!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.
My Nursing program actually starts this fall w/Med-Surg and Pharmacology. wish me luck. Do u have any advise for me as to how I should be preparing for that class?

We're almost neighbors. Ha! Ha! Try to get a copy of the syllabus for the next nursing class and the textbook and start looking ahead. Does Rio Hondo put any of their syllabi on the Internet, I can't remember. Usually the first clinical experiences that come up are general surgery and med/surg. That's usually the same semester that you get hit with diabetes and fluid and electrolytes if you haven't already had them. You can never know enough about these two subjects because they come up all the time in hospital nursing. There are so many websites devoted to diabetes now that it's hard choosing which ones are best. The more you expose yourself to the concepts in these two subjects, the easier it will be to take in what you will get in lectures later.

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