NANDA 2007 RN Dx List


I am in need of an updated 2007 NANDA approved RN diagnosis list and I can't seem to find one anywhere without buying a whole book. I have a book...I need the updated list!:uhoh3:

Thanks so much...

I've always thought it was NURSING diagnosis...not just RN. :(

activity/restactivity intolerance (specify level)

activity intolerance, for

disuse syndrome, risk for

divers ional activity deficit


sleep pattern disturbance

circulationadaptive capacity: intracranial, decreased

cardiac output, decreased


tissue perfusion, altered (specify): cerebral, cardiopulmonary, renal, gastrointestinal, peripheral

ego integrityadjustment, impaired

anxiety (mild, moderate, severe, panic)

body image disturbance

coping, defensive

coping, individual, ineffective

decisional conflict

denial, ineffective

energy field disturbance


grieving, anticipatory

grieving, dysfunctional


personal identity disturbance

post-trauma response (specify stage)


rape-trauma syndrome (specify)

rape-trauma syndrome: compound reaction

rape-trauma syndrome: silent reaction

relocation stress syndrome

self-esteem, chronic low

self-esteem disturbance

self-esteem, situational low

spiritual distress (distress of the human spirit)

spiritual well being, enhanced, potential for

eliminationbowel incontinence


constipation, colonic

constipation, perceived


incontinence, functional

incontinence, reflex

incontinence, stress

incontinence, total

incontinence, urge

urinary elimination, altered

urinary retention, (acute/chronic)

food/fluidbreastfeeding, effective

breastfeeding, ineffective

breastfeeding, interrupted

fluid volume deficit (active loss)

fluid volume deficit (regulatory failure)

fluid volume deficit, risk for

fluid volume excess

infant feeding pattern, ineffective

nutrition: altered, less than body requirements

nutrition: altered, more than body requirements

nutrition: altered, risk for more than body requirements

oral mucous membrane, altered

swallowing, impaired

hygieneself-care deficit (specify level): feeding, bathing/hygiene, dressing/ grooming, toileting

neurosensoryconfusion, acute

confusion, chronic

infant behavior, disorganized

infant behavior, disorganized, risk for

infant behavior, organized, potential for enhanced

memory, impaired

peripheral neurovascular dysfunction, risk for

sensory perception alterations (specify): visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, tactile, olfactory

thought processes, altered

unilateral neglect


pain, acute

pain, chronic


airway clearance, ineffective

aspiration, risk for

breathing pattern, ineffective

gas exchange, impaired

spontaneous ventilation, inability to sustain

ventilator weaning response, dysfunctional (dvwr)


body temperature, altered, risk for

environmental interpretation syndrome, impaired

health maintenance, altered

home maintenance management, impaired



infection, risk for

injury, risk for

perioperative positioning injury, risk for

physical mobility, impaired

poisoning, risk for

protection, altered

self-mutilation, risk for

skin integrity, impaired

skin integrity, impaired, risk for

suffocation, risk for

thermoregulation, ineffective

tissue integrity, impaired

trauma, risk for

violence, (actual)/risk for:

directed at self/others

sexuality(component of ego integrity and social interaction)

sexual dysfunction

sexuality patterns, altered

social interaction

caregiver role strain

caregiver role strain, risk for

communication, impaired verbal

communitycoping, enhanced, potential for

community coping, ineffective

family coping, ineffective

family coping, potential for growth

family processes, altered: alcoholism (substance abuse)

family processes, altered

loneliness, risk for

parental role conflict

parent/infant/child attachment, altered, risk for

parenting, altered

parenting, altered, risk for

role performance, altered

social interaction, impaired

social isolation


growth and development, altered

health-seeking behaviors (specify)

knowledge deficit (learning need) (specify)

noncompliance (compliance, altered) (specify)

therapeutic regimen: community, ineffective management

therapeutic regimen: families, ineffective management

therapeutic regimen: individual, effective management

therapeutic regimen: individual, ineffective management

I've always thought it was NURSING diagnosis...not just RN. :(

Sorry...a nursing diagnosis list. :uhoh21:

activity/restactivity intolerance (specify level)

activity intolerance, for

disuse syndrome, risk for

divers ional activity deficit


sleep pattern disturbance

circulationadaptive capacity: intracranial, decreased

cardiac output, decreased


tissue perfusion, altered (specify): cerebral, cardiopulmonary, renal, gastrointestinal, peripheral

ego integrityadjustment, impaired

anxiety (mild, moderate, severe, panic)

body image disturbance

coping, defensive

coping, individual, ineffective

decisional conflict

denial, ineffective

energy field disturbance


grieving, anticipatory

grieving, dysfunctional


personal identity disturbance

post-trauma response (specify stage)


rape-trauma syndrome (specify)

rape-trauma syndrome: compound reaction

rape-trauma syndrome: silent reaction

relocation stress syndrome

self-esteem, chronic low

self-esteem disturbance

self-esteem, situational low

spiritual distress (distress of the human spirit)

spiritual well being, enhanced, potential for

eliminationbowel incontinence


constipation, colonic

constipation, perceived


incontinence, functional

incontinence, reflex

incontinence, stress

incontinence, total

incontinence, urge

urinary elimination, altered

urinary retention, (acute/chronic)

food/fluidbreastfeeding, effective

breastfeeding, ineffective

breastfeeding, interrupted

fluid volume deficit (active loss)

fluid volume deficit (regulatory failure)

fluid volume deficit, risk for

fluid volume excess

infant feeding pattern, ineffective

nutrition: altered, less than body requirements

nutrition: altered, more than body requirements

nutrition: altered, risk for more than body requirements

oral mucous membrane, altered

swallowing, impaired

hygieneself-care deficit (specify level): feeding, bathing/hygiene, dressing/ grooming, toileting

neurosensoryconfusion, acute

confusion, chronic

infant behavior, disorganized

infant behavior, disorganized, risk for

infant behavior, organized, potential for enhanced

memory, impaired

peripheral neurovascular dysfunction, risk for

sensory perception alterations (specify): visual, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, tactile, olfactory

thought processes, altered

unilateral neglect


pain, acute

pain, chronic


airway clearance, ineffective

aspiration, risk for

breathing pattern, ineffective

gas exchange, impaired

spontaneous ventilation, inability to sustain

ventilator weaning response, dysfunctional (dvwr)


body temperature, altered, risk for

environmental interpretation syndrome, impaired

health maintenance, altered

home maintenance management, impaired



infection, risk for

injury, risk for

perioperative positioning injury, risk for

physical mobility, impaired

poisoning, risk for

protection, altered

self-mutilation, risk for

skin integrity, impaired

skin integrity, impaired, risk for

suffocation, risk for

thermoregulation, ineffective

tissue integrity, impaired

trauma, risk for

violence, (actual)/risk for:

directed at self/others

sexuality(component of ego integrity and social interaction)

sexual dysfunction

sexuality patterns, altered

social interaction

caregiver role strain

caregiver role strain, risk for

communication, impaired verbal

communitycoping, enhanced, potential for

community coping, ineffective

family coping, ineffective

family coping, potential for growth

family processes, altered: alcoholism (substance abuse)

family processes, altered

loneliness, risk for

parental role conflict

parent/infant/child attachment, altered, risk for

parenting, altered

parenting, altered, risk for

role performance, altered

social interaction, impaired

social isolation


growth and development, altered

health-seeking behaviors (specify)

knowledge deficit (learning need) (specify)

noncompliance (compliance, altered) (specify)

therapeutic regimen: community, ineffective management

therapeutic regimen: families, ineffective management

therapeutic regimen: individual, effective management

therapeutic regimen: individual, ineffective management

thanks so much...

I've always thought it was NURSING diagnosis...not just RN. :(

lol, yeah, me too.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

Um. . .I don't know where you got that list, but I have the current copy of NANDA-I Nursing Diagnoses: Definitions & Classification 2007-2008 published by NANDA International and am a member of NANDA. There are currently 188 nursing diagnoses. Some of the wording on the diagnoses that are listed didn't look right to me, so I started checking the list that has been posted here against my book. I only went through the first 16 pages of the above book and found 5 nursing diagnoses that are not on the list that was posted and 3 of them on the list are NOT worded the way NANDA has worded them.

The list of nursing diagnoses is proprietary and owned by NANDA. It is not supposed to be reprinted without their permission. The best thing for you to do is purchase a current nursing diagnosis book. The one I referenced above is only about $29 and has the most current information in it. If you go to NANDA's website you can purchase it directly from them.

Someone back in September posted a weblink to a current NANDA list on the student forums. Here is the thread:

Specializes in Med/Surg, ER, L&D, ICU, OR, Educator.

Does everyone really use NANDA?

These are suggested nursing dx's and have their place, but I always find them severely restricting. Anyone else?

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

rn_n_training. . .i didn't notice that you are a new member to allnurses. as a student, you should check out the student forums. you can find them by clicking on the "students" tab at the top of any page of allnurses. there are two links related to writing care plans. on one of them i posted specific links to specific nursing diagnosis information (i think it's on the careplans help please! (with the r\t and aeb thread.) these webpage links are on the ackley/ladwig care plan constructor site which is the companion website to their book, nursing diagnosis handbook: a guide to planning care, 7th edition, by betty j. ackley and gail b. ladwig, and consist of 75 of the most commonly used nursing diagnoses. these nursing diagnosis pages contain the same information that is in the book.

if you are having trouble with choosing a nursing diagnosis or writing a care plan please post your questions on the nursing student assistance forum or the general nursing student discussion forum where i am more likely to find it. you can find information about writing care plans and nursing diagnoses on these two threads in the student forums:

welcome to allnurses! :welcome:

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.
Does everyone really use NANDA?

These are suggested nursing dx's and have their place, but I always find them severely restricting. Anyone else?

Use of NANDA is per facility policy. It is the popular thing to use because NANDA has it all written down and organized. Prior to NANDA, nursing problems for care plans had not been systematically organized. Prior to NANDA we just wrote down the patient's problems or needs and you sometimes had to sit there and think of how you wanted to word it for the care plan. As you wrote you sometimes realized that two different problems were really part of the same problem. What NANDA has done was do away with that time sitting there thinking about what to write. With a NANDA reference book, you just copy down and write the diagnosis. Recently, they've started using the term nursing terminology. What they are trying to do is standardize the words that we use. The ultimate goal is to provide time-saving for us in writing care plans. Another goal is to be able to input these words into the computer as the patient's charts become electronically stored. Since care plans are mandated to be in every acute hospital patient chart, this is part of the contribution NANDA is trying to make. The problem I see is that so much of what NANDA has done to this point has gotten lost in all the scholarly part of it. Taxonomy of nursing diagnoses, which is what NANDA is pretty much loses most people. The wording "taxonomy" alone is scary. Part of the problem is that nurses have to understand the underlying principle of the nursing process. I see it all the time on the student forums. Students ask first about what nursing diagnosis to use for a patient and totally ignore what goes into determining a nursing diagnosis for the patient in the first place. That, I think, is a fault of the educational system. If I ever go on to get my Master's or PhD degree my thesis will be about the teaching of the nursing process. The nursing process is how we problem solve. A care plan is how we physically document the problem solving process. Nursing diagnosis is just one kind of tool we use to state nursing problems in the care plan. The nursing process isn't much different from the medical decision-making process that physicians use. Physicians don't have an official printed taxonomy of medical diagnoses that they are taught in medical school that I know of. It isn't much different from the problem solving process that plumbers use except they don't have an official listing of plumbing diagnoses that I know of either!

We use them in all charting. They';re actually very helpful, which I never thought I'd believe.

Daytonite, I got that list somewhere off the 'net and edited it to fit it into something small enough to fit in my pocket organizer. Thanks for finding a correct list.

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