Published Nov 1, 2009
169 Posts
My parent had surgery to re-route his small intestine (it was done laparoscopically because he had scar tissue that wasn't allowing food to pass through). Nothing was cut out, it was just re-routed and connected to the stomach in a different spot so food wouldn't get caught in the scarred area. Anyway, my parent is 6 days out of surgery, and is vomiting and nauseous all over again. (these were their symptoms prior to surgery). I know this isn't normal, right? This means that something is wrong and food isn't able to pass through. What happens now? Another surgery? Or could they be vomiting and nauseous still due to the pain meds and anesthesia? Also, they were told they could have a liquid diet, but had more of pureed food yesterday. Could moving to thicker food too quickly cause this?
9livesRN, BSN, RN
1,570 Posts
is he on any pain meds? if so, those can increase nausea, antiemetics?
is he eating too much? if not is he eating BRAT? some bland foods very mild?
eating in small quantities, more often, soft foods, with low fat, colloring, acid and all those nasty things that can upset your stomach?
schroeders_piano, RN
186 Posts
N/V after gastric bypass is a normal thing. However, you parent needs to seek the counsel of the surgeon who performed the surgery.
17 Articles; 45,839 Posts
Since we cannot diagnose like this, your Parent should contact his/her Surgeon and/or Primary Care Provider.
We hope this resolves without further issues.