My testimony for the new grads!

Nurses Job Hunt


First off, no matter what your situation is, HANG IN THERE!:up:

Warning! My posts tend to be long, but I'll make this as short as possible.

I'll tell ya'll my nursing story. Maybe it'll give a little piece of hope to someone out there who is thinking about giving up. This website surely has kept me goin. :)

Well, I am a new grad myself. Graduated with my ASN in dec '11. Took me 5 months to finally find a job. So no matter how bad the economy is, keep sending those applications anywhere you can, and you will eventually find a position. In the meantime, I decided to go back to school and will be receiving my BSN this coming dec. :grad:

Here's my soap box: I went to nursing school with the notion that I was going to work L&D only (always wanted to). God must have got a good laugh at that. While in clinicals I absolutely knew that I didn't want to spend a day, working med-surg. It just not for me. (Kudos to all the nurses who do and love it!) Well guess what, after 5 months of being jobless after graduation, I applied to every job I could and began my career on a post-op unit working nights. While I was excited to have a job, I wasn't excited about the type of unit. I ended up becoming depressed & stressed because I would have to leave my family/friends to go work at a place I hated to be. I cried on my way to work every shift. I even contemplated quitting nursing all together. Thank goodness for my awesome co-workers!

I felt like the wrath of my job started taking over my life. Always thinking about the next time I had to go, and I couldn't fully enjoy my time off. So when I heard there was an open position for postpartum, I decided to talk to my boss about transferring after only 4 months. Luckily my boss was awesome and let me apply and interview, even though I didn't get the job due to some changes the hospital was making.

In the meantime, I applied for an L&D position at another facility, got an interview, but was told they took more experienced nurses due to lack of preceptors for newbies. Oh well, God was telling me He has another plan for me. And after how "stressful" the l&d nurses portrayed it to be, it kind of turned me off about working in that department. Well, I heard about another opening for postpartum and jumped at it. Finally got the position and will be starting tomorrow!!! :yeah: Super Excited

My point: No matter what your situation is, you will get where you want to be. Just have some patience, God has a plan for you! As much as I hated and despised working med-surg, I have learned so much and I'm so greatful for the experience (Never thought I'd say that :eek:). Nursing school does not prepare you for half of what you're gonna do in the real world of nursing. You have to find your niche :redpinkhe

Can't find a job? Keep looking! Even if you have to move.

Don't like your current job? Look for a new one and be persistant.

Good luck to all you new grads out there! Don't give up. You're life is going exactly how God planned it, remember He has perfect timing!

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out if curiosity i checked the link and it says:

whoops, sorry, this page doesn't exist. :nurse:

this is what i was looking for today! an uplifting post. thanky you so much. Getting married with a huge debt and no job can really make someone feel hopeless. But i am determined to look at the glass half full! I hope your career continues to make you happy! take care

thanks so much for the encouragement! my situation is very similar. i couldn't find a job in ob so i started applying to everything. i finally got a job in telemetry. i am excited to finally have a job but this is just not where i want to be. but i know god has a plan for me and i just have to trust him. i'm glad everything worked out for you! :)

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