Published Aug 29, 2009
83 Posts
increased ESR? what does it stand for? anyone?
erythrocyte sendimentation rate, precipitation of red blood cells in one hour, indirectly checking how much inflammation is in the body
15 Posts
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
Does anyone have any idea why respiratory alkalosis is linked to hypokalemia?
another unexplained correlation found between hypomagnesemia and addison's disease, anyone?
wait, hyperkalemia and addison's disease, my bad everyone
here's a question for ya. regarding nasoenteric tube, they said that the pt needs to be on his/her right side in order to help the tube advance into the duodenum through pyloric sphincter. anyone intelligent enough to know why that is? How does laying on right side actually help advance the tube?
1,602 Posts
Respiratory alkalosis is dcr in Pco2 also know as hypocapnia which is from an increase in respiratory rate or hyperventilation. Ventilation incr also occur as a physiologic response to hypoxia, metabolic acidosis, and incr metabolic demands such as eg fever. Pain and anxiety and some CNS disorders can incr respirations without a physiologic need. Also respiratory alkalosis causes light-headedness, confusion, peripheral and circumoral paresthesias, cramps, and syncope due to changes in cerebral blood flow and pH. hope that answer your question.
what are neural-tube birth defects?
just wanna ask a question to anyone that visits this thread. do any of you know how to put up a picture so that is displayed as a picture, not as a link?
Due to elevated alpha fetoprotein during pregnancy
Pt with addison have tendency to bone fracture due to lack of aldosterone which result to hyperkalemia. Because potassium is used in regulating muscle tissue. If potassium is too high in the bloodstream it can lead to disorder than cause inability of the kidney to excrete potassium