My letter


Good morning everyone.. I felt the need to share this with someone, and this site is the only spot where I think others may completely understand how I'm feeling this morning after a long rough and depressing night shift. Laugh when you can and smile when you can't!!

Dear Angel of Death,

Please love me enough to let me live+laugh+love=long happy life; when you come to see me please give me a warning to allow my loved ones and I to cope but please dont overstay your welcome, BUT do not do a fly by stop and catch me unexpected!

Though I respect you, do not fear u, i do NOT understand why you take someone who has not had a chance to live, or take someone without acceptance, and just as equally bad make someone suffer!!?? Nobody deserves to suffer, wether he b the one u visit or their loved ones.. I'm not happy with you!!

Thank you for your time,

An angel in disguise: Ali xoxo


Specializes in PACU, OR.

Ditto wondern's message.

Specializes in ICU.

Death IS. Life IS. Love IS.

Any of the above can & will occur with no advanced notice/permission from the involved parties. I would invite you to accept reality, not what you might wish reality to be.

As humans, and nurses, we are only on this earth for a short time. We are weak, transient beings. We can be stronger, however, as a result of loving & helping others.

Live/love/serve for today.

yes, i am well aware.. i wrote this trying to convince myself there is someone or something that actually controlled our time. I know when it happens its meant to happen. I had a VERY long and depressing night at work and it breaks my heart the things some people go thru and as i do agrre with everything u wrote but strongly believe we r stronger as result of loving and helping others!! thx u for ur response and ur view is how i see it and always have.. it was like i was trying to bargain with things in a fantasy world for sanity sake..

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