My First Night Shift in a Long Time...


Specializes in Med/Surg, Tele, Dialysis, Hospice.

is going to be this Sunday, 9:30 PM-7:30 AM. I accepted the night position because it is at a much sought after retirement facility that rarely posts nursing positions because the nurses that work there love it and normally stay for years. I feel very blessed to have been chosen for this job!

I have worked in facilities of this type before, and I have been a nurse for 24+ years, so I'm not worried about being able to do the job itself. What I am getting stressed about is being required to work four ten-hour night shifts a week after being on days or not working at all for the past several years. I want to be alert and learn effectively from my preceptor, but my past experience on the night shift is that by about 3 AM I feel like I'm going to crash and I get very sleepy.

What would you suggest that I do as far as my routine this Sunday? Would you stay up late tomorrow night and sleep in Sunday morning? Would you get up at a normal time on Sunday and just take a long nap later in the day? I REALLY want to be well rested. I plan on drinking a couple of cups of strong coffee before I go in as well.

I do either one, depending on how I'm feeling the night before. If I'm tired early, I go to bed early and wake up at a normal time and then take a very long nap the day of. If I can stay up, I'll sleep from 2-2 or 3-3. I seem to feel the same either way. I've also stopped drinking coffee before I go in and instead will get a big coffee before I go in and then sip on it for the first couple hours of my shift. Make sure to also drink a lot of water and bring healthy snacks! Those two things often make more of a difference than the amount of sleep I get before my shift.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Tele, Dialysis, Hospice.

Thanks so much for the tips! I will apply them tomorrow night and in the future.

I try to prepare for my first night back by staying up late and sleeping in as long as I can. My problem is that once I am awake I am awake and usually cannot get back to sleep, so I might be dragged out the first night but usually do much better the second. I have tried the other where I got up my normal day time and then take a nap in the afternoon, but it never really worked for me. Probably because I was trying too hard to get stuff done before I laid down and then could not relax!! Once I have turned my circadium rhythm around I keep that schedule, so once I am on nights I stay that way even when I am off. My body does not do well trying to flip flop time zones!! Good luck to the new position!! Nights will take a while to get use to, give it time.

Specializes in L&D.

I just did my first night shift since 2010 last night!

I have a new night PRN L&D job.

I had to get up early yesterday (like 7am) because I have a toddler. Then I tried to nap when he did in the afternoon but couldn't fall asleep. But did rest for a few hours.

Was probably anxious about my first shift.

I survived last night but was tired.... 1am-5am were rough. Probably didn't help that it was a slow night so time dragged.

But I made it!

I'm obsessed with doterra essential oils and I brought my "focus" bottle which is a mix of wild orange and peppermint. Just smelling it gave me a little pick me up. Also sipped coffee the first few hours and tried to drink water and eat lots of snacks. Took my doterra vitamins before the shift which supposedly give you energy (worth a shot!)

Today I napped from 8:45-1pm. (My husband watched my son)

It's 6pm now and I'm tired. Will probably go to bed about 8 or 9pm and hopefully get a good long sleep!

My next shift is Mon. I'm only doing 1 or 2 a week and never back to back.

Next time I may try and have dh get up with DS the morning before I work so I can maybe sleep in another hour or two. I refuse to stay up late the night before though.

When you have a toddler, you grab sleep when you can!

I also worry about maintaining this, but at least I have the option to only work 2 shifts a month if I can't handle nights and I maybe be able to switch to days after some people get back from maternity leave on night shift.

Good luck!

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

yes start practicing stay up all night you can get a ton of things done at home, and sleep during the day

Specializes in Med/Surg, Tele, Dialysis, Hospice.

Thanks to all of you. Right now it is 3:30 am and I am up typing this, lol, so hopefully I will be able to sleep later today. I am going to take a large travel mug of black coffee to work with me tonight and some Greek yogurt, carrots, and a peanut butter sandwich. Hopefully between those things and being occupied enough with starting to learn the ropes that I don't feel like falling asleep standing up, all will be well.

Thanks again to all of you, you have been very kind and helpful.

Just a comment on oil therapy: Lavender is one that is suppose to help increase relaxation. I spray Lavender spray on my pillows and that helps me to just lull off to sleep. You will find your sleep during day time may not be as deep as normal night sleep. We are not designed to be nocturnal, so you may feel dragged out a little at first. Once you establish a routine you will feel more energetic. I find with my body that I can get alot done when staying up at night on my off shifts, and if I have a daytime activity, I try to do it on a day I am not scheduled to work that night. I also participate in sensory deprivation during my sleep by using ear plugs, sleep mask, dark shades on the windows etc. Good luck!!

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