Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. Sac) ADN Program Fall 2024

Hello! Made this topic because I haven’t seen one yet. Let’s all keep each other posted for this cohort! Nursing Students School Programs

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Made this topic because I haven't seen one yet. Let's all keep each other posted for this cohort!

sumerrrr said:

It really is super simple. It's the shortest meeting you'll ever have. He said that currently there are 120 applicants who responded to the counseling meeting. Top 60 will be chosen and then 20 alternative candidates. He did say that mt. sac usually goes through most of the waitlist 

Oh okay, thanks! Just a lil nervous now with the 120 people. But it's top 60 with the highest points right? not lotto? 

sumerrrr said:

It really is super simple. It's the shortest meeting you'll ever have. He said that currently there are 120 applicants who responded to the counseling meeting. Top 60 will be chosen and then 20 alternative candidates. He did say that mt. sac usually goes through most of the waitlist 

So 60 plus 20 alternate, totally 80 out of the 120 may to be admitted, that's 66.7%.  If we can pass the counseling meeting successfully , we have a very high chance to get the offer. Thanks for the update!

Last application cycle I don't think anyone dropped for the alternates because I was number 5 and it didn't move not one bit. Now im entering with 5 more points so hopefully im in this round🙏🏼 and also last cycle there was like 30 alternates. It changes I guess depending on cohort. 

Nayyo said:

Oh okay, thanks! Just a lil nervous now with the 120 people. But it's top 60 with the highest points right? not lotto? 

yes it's highest points. I think lotto was only for the TEAS 

Kendra3267 said:

Last application cycle I don't think anyone dropped for the alternates because I was number 5 and it didn't move not one bit. Now im entering with 5 more points so hopefully im in this round🙏🏼 and also last cycle there was like 30 alternates. It changes I guess depending on cohort. 

aw man. do you remember how many points you had last time? I spoke to a counselor a while ago and he was telling me that someone with 60 something points got it because mt. sacs really trying to be more diverse with their applicants

No way! Cause I believe I had 70 he has to be joking or are they doing lotto for this too?! Everyone is saying high points but tbh you never know what any nursing school actually is doing. 

Kendra3267 said:

No way! Cause I believe I had 70 he has to be joking or are they doing lotto for this too?! Everyone is saying high points but tbh you never know what any nursing school actually is doing. 

Ima ask Wednesday cus now I'm freaking out 😫 Cus my co worker is in their program and she said it was based on highest points. But who knows tbh. 

Kendra3267 said:

No way! Cause I believe I had 70 he has to be joking or are they doing lotto for this too?! Everyone is saying high points but tbh you never know what any nursing school actually is doing. 

oh nooo with 70 points you should have gotten in or moved up at least. you should ask a counselor when you speak to them about this. At my counseling appointment he told me they're only choosing by the top applicants now. there's no more lotto. True even the counselors don't really know what's happening with the nursing program cause they're only there to verify points 

I got the alternate position from other school, they request to reply by end of April. Should I accept it? My 1st choice is Mt. SAC, but counselor said Mt. Sac offer should come out on 2nd week of May. 


Berryberrygood said:

I got the alternate position from other school, they request to reply by end of April. Should I accept it? My 1st choice is Mt. SAC, but counselor said Mt. Sac offer should come out on 2nd week of May. 


I would accept just incase you get denied from MT SAC, at least you will still have a chance as an alternate somewhere else.


You can always withdraw your position as an alternate at a later time if you do get accepted at your first choice, from what I have read online on the studentnurse & prenursing reddit threads.


Keep all your options open! Good luck!

Hey! I forgot to give the update but my counselor said usually the cut off for pts are 76. But he said he wasn't sure cus each cohort is different. But fingers crossed to everyone ! Good luck! 

Geminey3x0 said:

I would accept just incase you get denied from MT SAC, at least you will still have a chance as an alternate somewhere else.


You can always withdraw your position as an alternate at a later time if you do get accepted at your first choice, from what I have read online on the studentnurse & prenursing reddit threads.


Keep all your options open! Good luck!

Thank you! You are right, even we passed the counselor meeting, the nursing office is the one who makes final decisions. I'll keep alternate slot until I see MT SAC offer.

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