Published Sep 23, 2005
43 Posts
I have started in MS ICU, its kinda scary to see that most of the nurses have been there for a few months, couple years.
Is it so hard to stay in ICU.
Other floors have nurses who've worked there for 5/10/20 years.
435 Posts
Hey Tryin
You've read the tea leaves. (Does anybody read tea leaves anymore? I use these antique metaphors that even make ME think I'm old--but h@ll--I AM old.) Anyhow--
You know how when you see on the front of the chart that the pt is allergic to ASA, Tylenol, Ibuprofen, naprosin, toradol and every other non-narcotic analgesic and when you go in to assess 'em, you're not surprised to hear they're in severe pain? Because when you saw all those allergies, you KNEW. That's what I call a 'chart sign'.
Really radical turn-over like that is a chart-sign of poor management.
Start thinking of your next job real soon.
Papaw John
Ruby Vee, BSN
17 Articles; 14,044 Posts
yup -- poor management. you may be too new to have run smack into it yet, but you will. it is possible to stay in icu for decades -- i stayed in my last job for 14 years until a new manager came along . . . . some of you may have heard this story already, but the manager stood up at a meeting of fully half her staff to address the issue of turnover.
"i know we have high turnover," she said in her most earnest tone. "but it's because we're hiring the best and the brightest and they're going on to bigger and better things. i struggle with this every day, and i ask myself if i should lower my standards and hire someone mediocre who will stay in the icu for ten years? or should i keep hiring the best and the brightest, knowing that they're going to move on?"
on the day of that staff meeting (october 24), there were maybe 20 of us who had been there ten years or more. by the time i gave my notice (the day after thanksgiving), there were less than 10 left, and all of them were looking for new jobs. it wasn't that she was hiring the best and the brightest who were going on to bigger and better things, it was that she didn't value her experienced staff. she'd been making that clear in oh so many ways, and finally, she just flat out told us. if we'd stay in the icu for ten years, we were mediocre. who wants to stay in a job where you're viewed that way?
ruby (who heard that holiday staffing was a nightmare that year, and that the nurse manager was relieved of half of her responsibilities early the following year.)
gwenith, BSN, RN
3,755 Posts
Have to agree with the previous posters - ANY time you hit a job with THAT high a turnover look at the reason why. Sometimes there is a reason such as infectious pregnancy (ever seen that - one person gets pregnant next thing half the staff are expecting:p) but more often it is either management or toxic core staff.