MRSA: why hx of MRSA must be documented in the pt's chart?

Nurses General Nursing



I heard that MRSA must be documented int pt's chart if he/she has a hx of MRSA. I am curious why they do that? Does MRSA develop immunity to the infection?



It acts as a precaution to those initially viewing the chart so they know the patient needs to be on contact precautions. If the patient presents to the hospital, they will be placed on contact precautions unless their MRSA screening comes back negative (routine procedure for every patient admitted at my facility)

Specializes in ICU.

I had MRSA. A nasty MRSA wound. My initiation into ICU nursing I guess. Anyways, I sometimes say something, sometimes don't. Told them When I had my baby (about a year after the infection) They had no problem cohorting me. When I went to the ER bleeding in my pregnancy I forgot to tell the nurse. Wasn't thinking about it. She gave me a lecture about how she should be wearing a gown, then continues to draw my blood without gloves on.... never once doned a gown or gloves after finding out.

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