Published Aug 23, 2005
76 Posts
Ok so I am from LA but am now living in the midwest (moved here last year to go to an Accelerated BSN program) and am moving to SF in October. I'm trying to find a position in the ED, Peds, ICU or L&D in the Bay area and ideally want a new grad program. I have a couple of offers in LA and the recruiters there all seem great but I'm having a lot of trouble getting some love up north. Does anyone have any suggestions of good hospitals to work at or good new grad programs? I really want to work 12's and it seems a lot of the hospitals I've talked to are only offering 8's or PT positions which seems so strange to me since all anyone talks about is the "nursing shortage" in CA! HELP HELP HELP!!
17 Articles; 45,833 Posts
Ok so I am from LA but am now living in the midwest (moved here last year to go to an accelerated BSN program) and am moving to SF in October. I'm trying to find a position in the ED, Peds, ICU or L&D in the Bay area and ideally want a new grad program. I have a couple of offers in LA and the recruiters there all seem great but I'm having a lot of trouble getting some love up north. Does anyone have any suggestions of good hospitals to work at or good new grad programs? I really want to work 12's and it seems a lot of the hospitals I've talked to are only offering 8's or PT positions which seems so strange to me since all anyone talks about is the "nursing shortage" in CA! HELP HELP HELP!!
I hope you get some answers to your questions.
Good luck!!!!
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Many of the new grad programs won't begin again until January, that may be one issue that you are coming across. The new grads have just finished and selected what they wanted. :)
Right..I am finding that in some places. There are a couple of hospitals with October/November start dates though especially in critical care areas. I know at Stanford the big problem is they don't start another new grad program until Feb. and to be in it you can NEVER have worked as an RN. Well, I obviously can't wait that long...student loan payments will kick in by then. Can you tell me more about all the 8 hour shifts I'm finding. Since I'm from LA I know the whole CA law about overtime which I'm assuming having nurses work 4 8's helps the hospitals cut down on their overtime. But how are they adequately staffing w/ the new ratios and the biggest nursing shortage in the country?? thanks for your help!
Ok so moving day is getting closer and I still don't have much idea about bay area hospitals. Isn't there anyone out there w/ some good information?? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help....thanks!!
46 Posts
Sorry, I don't know anything about new grad programs but if you want something to help out a little bit financially, you should look into the temporary employment pool at UCSF. You can get at least some kind of job for a couple of months till the new grad programs kick in. With your clinical training, you should be able to get some kind of RA or other position. Also, if you had someo sort of other job before, maybe you can do that again for a couple of months. Not a pretty thought, after going to NS but better than nothing when it comes time to write the student loan payback check. Best of luck to you. Dave
PS Also, if you do the UCSF TEP thing, it might help with getting into the new grad program there if you're already on campus.
Thanks Dave--I saw a few jobs yesterday at Oakland Children's and Stanford. I talked to Stanford today and they are opening a new grad program for October too which is good...but even though they are posting ICU positions, they only told me about Ortho. I'm not really that stoked about Ortho...any suggestions?? I'm getting nervous that if I hold out for the "perfect" job (ie. anywhere near the areas I'm interested in: ICU, peds, ED) then I'll be stuck waiting until Feb. to work. Good lookin' on the temporary employment pool thing. I can do that as a new grad? Or is that more like working temp as a tech? Thanks for the advice!!!
Sorry, I don't know anything about new grad programs but if you want something to help out a little bit financially, you should look into the temporary employment pool at UCSF. You can get at least some kind of job for a couple of months till the new grad programs kick in. With your clinical training, you should be able to get some kind of RA or other position. Also, if you had someo sort of other job before, maybe you can do that again for a couple of months. Not a pretty thought, after going to NS but better than nothing when it comes time to write the student loan payback check. Best of luck to you. DavePS Also, if you do the UCSF TEP thing, it might help with getting into the new grad program there if you're already on campus.
630 Posts
I think you can work at Stanford with a IP license before the new grad orientation program starts up. You may want to talk to them a bit further. Did you take the NCLEX yet? Or when are you planning to take it? Good luck!
When I suggested the UCSF temporary employment pool, I just meant it as a way to find a job, any job to keep food on the table till the new grad programs open up. And if you got a job in a clinical dept., it could help with networking and a more permanent job. Just a thought. Cheers, Dave
I actually passed the NCLEX in August so now I'm just working on the paperwork part of getting the CA license. I've heard it's much easier to get the license by just going up to the BRN and dropping off all the paperwork. When I called them a week ago or so they said that if I did that I should be able to get my license transferred over in a day or two. thanks for the info on Stanford. I've talked to them a little bit but so far haven't been able to get in. Do you know if they ever hire new grads outside of the new grad program? I know they have an opening in the new grad program for October in Ortho but I'm not very interested in that area. thanks for the advice!!
I think you can work at Stanford with a IP license before the new grad orientation program starts up. You may want to talk to them a bit further. Did you take the NCLEX yet? Or when are you planning to take it? Good luck!Smile123
good point. thx!
67 Posts
I currently live not too far from you and I will be moving to the SF area Oct. 10. I passed NCLEX in May, and like you, I am also a new RN.
What the other posts have said about new grad orientation starting in Jan/Feb is true. However, the hospital in SF that hired me said I could start on Med/Surg and transfer to a new grad opening in the Winter if I want. I think I'll stay on the floor I was hired for, though. The patient ratios are AWESOME compared to what I'm used to! They are 1:4/5 in SF and over 10 where I'm at now! The shift are 8hrs and the pay is over $40/hr with a 10% shift diff for evenings and 15% for nights.
PM me if you want more details on the hospital and who to contact. I can't wait to get out there!