Moving to Georgetown

U.S.A. Texas


I am moving from South Florida to Georgetown. I have 15 years SICU experience. I am making $35/hr day shift; $7/hr differential on night shift. What can I expect in the Georgetown (Austin) area??

Specializes in Postpartum, Lactation.

A HUGE pay cut. Sorry :(

that's what i was afraid of...altho everything does seem less expensive than what i am used to (i doubt the lack of pay makes up for it tho) :o

thanks for your response.

Yes, BUT Georgetown is a BEAUTIFUL place.....of course, it has really changed a lot....big stores, now etc...but it's still a great place to live....cost of living is high because it's so can't go wrong there, but it's true that pay is not that great...Austin is the same....I commuted for 15 years to get the most money, but I think the gas ate it up! PM me if you want to know more about the place....I'm there all the time....I miss it! Good luck!

Specializes in ICU, PICC Nurse, Nursing Supervisor.

i cant tell you about the pay but i am jealous ... you are moving to a beautiful area..

i am moving from south florida to georgetown. i have 15 years sicu experience. i am making $35/hr day shift; $7/hr differential on night shift. what can i expect in the georgetown (austin) area??

OOo I know-- We were out there in February and feel as if our quality of life is DEFINITELY improving!! We are very excited!!

Specializes in Postpartum, Lactation.

Oh and FTR, I don't regret moving here for one minute. Even though I also took a huge paycut (moved from CA), I absolutley love our quaity of life here :) And honestly, the money difference hasn't really affected us. Our mortgage is less (for a home twice as large, in a better neighborhood), groceries are cheaper, gas is cheaper, etc, etc... Good luck with your move :)

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