Moving back home


As soon as I graduate and take the NCLEX test we plan on moving back to Colorado. Will I have to take the NCLEX again in Colorado? Or will I only have to take it once and be able to work anywhere? Thanks for clearning this up for me.

Hugs :icon_hug:


Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
As soon as I graduate and take the NCLEX test we plan on moving back to Colorado. Will I have to take the NCLEX again in Colorado? Or will I only have to take it once and be able to work anywhere? Thanks for clearning this up for me.

Hugs :icon_hug:


Hello, ShannonMorgan,:balloons:

No, you only take and pass the exam once.

You just contact the Colorado state BON for application and licensure info.

Now, if you WANT to take it again, well, I suppose something could be arranged.......:p

Specializes in NICU.

Premature, I know . . . but welcome home almost!!! :D

Ahh I wish I were home in Colorado. I am so home sick, I miss the snow. I am so envious I wish I was there.

Hugs :icon_hug:


Specializes in NICU.

Shannon - LOL - this is the only time of year I don't like it here. I love spring, summer and fall, but I don't like cold. I know I live in the wrong state for that but, what I can I say? :D I always wish for mild winters. :chuckle

They just get icestorms here in NC. Who wants a ice storm?!! I can't wait to be home in Colorado and see the snow fall. Its so pretty at night after a snow fall and the moon is out. Its like the whole world just lights up.

Hugs :icon_hug:


Specializes in NICU.

True - it is beautiful. I actually love to see the snow, but I have to drive in it and I'm always freezing, so there's more negative than positve for me. :p

So far we have been lucky (the ones that don't like snow) and we haven't had much snow in the front range! This whole week has been pretty mild, highs in the 60s and mid 70s (close to record breaking temperatures). I for one could live without the snow. I think the snow belongs in the mountains, not down here!

I'm sure by the time you move back here there will be snow to make you happy. :)

Specializes in Freelance Writer, 'the nurse who knows content'.

Shannon, congratulations to you!

I'm also from CO and got displaced to NM, which I really don't like. I have tried finding a job in CO several times over the years but discovered you couldn't even get an interview if you weren't already living there.

So, while I've always wanted to be a nurse, one of my big motivators for going through nursing school now is because I see it as my ticket out of NM!

Like you, I miss the snow. Not to mention the mountains. I am envious of you, Shannon, but wish you all the best!

I wish I could move back sooner. I have looked at going to nursing school in Colorado but the nursing schools are so hard to get into. So I have to get through school here in NC. Then move there to get a job. If I could go to school in Colorado I could be moving back as early as 2007, but the way its looking now is we won't be able to move back till 2008 -2009.

I miss the snow and change of seasons. I remember when I was working one day and it started snowing and I was so happy the people I worked with thought I was crazy. lol I defiantly do hate driving in the snow but I wouldn't trade it for anywhere else in the world.

Hugs :icon_hug:


Specializes in Freelance Writer, 'the nurse who knows content'.
the way its looking now is we won't be able to move back till 2008 -2009.

Ah, we're in the same boat, then.

I'll be starting prerequisites in January (2006), and if I get accepted to nursing school (Accelerated BSN), I won't begin that until Jan. 2007, which puts us back in Colo in the fall of 2008, at the earliest.

Like you, I miss the snow terribly. Well, I just generally miss having a change of seasons. Here in NM, it's pretty much the same weather year-round. It gets a little colder in the winter, and we get a dusting of snow occasionally, but basically it's sunny and warm. And dry. Too dry, for me!

Until I can actually move back, I have to make do with driving up to visit my relatives. I'm thankful I live close enough that I can do that several times a year.

Maybe we can chat on this board occasionally and help each other thru nursing school.


I wished that I lived close enough to pop in for a visit. Right now we are trying to plan a trip back home for christmas but we are waiting to see if we can afford to take all 5 of us back there lol. I am still doing my pre reqs right now trying to apply in April. It would be great to keep in touch.

Hugs :icon_hug:


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