Published Oct 24, 2009
91 Posts
I am in my first semester of an ADN nursing program. It has been a nonstop whirlwind since I started, as most who have been through nursing school would understand. I am begining to lose motivation. Between school and the studying demands it is sure taking a toll on me. I don't hate school, I'm not failing, and I don't want to drop out. I'm still trying to figure out if nursing is for me since i have no previous health care experience. I'm just at a point where I can't get myself motivated to study. Any suggestions, or anyone else who is going through the same experience???
2,642 Posts
I hate to break it to you, but at this point, it's not motivation you's discipline. You just have to make yourself do it. It sounds like you're tired....motivation doesn't get you past tired, discipline does.
26 Posts
Im not doing so well.... I really want to be a nurse to set a good example for nurses, heal patients, and maybe be able to teach in nursing school. I do good in memorizing classes such as A&P Patho Pharm Micro and math classes like Chem, got all A's and B's but I dont test well in Fundamentals. I studied hard on my first 2 tests and both are below 70. I am not able to critical think, and know which important assesment goes first. Clinicals is going good so far, Check-offs are going good so far, but I think Fundamentals is going to kick me out of nursing school . i have a Test 3 this monday-thursday. And im studying hard as usual, hopefully i will do good because im starting to lose motivation because its just disappointing to study hard and to recieve grades like this..
I totally understand. Thats how it seems to go for me. I have had three tests and they were all in the 70's or 80's. I study pretty hard, but as long as I pass, thats all i can ask for. There are so many hours in the day, and you can only remember what you can. And it takes me hours and hours to memorize things regardless of what it is.
hiddencatRN, BSN, RN
3,408 Posts
Yeah, I'm struggling with motivation too. But once I sit myself down and start reading, I can get in to it and get a fair amount done. It's starting the task that is hard.
Are you in any study groups? I've found that even if we don't actually interact, studying with someone helps keep me accountable. I need an overseer
Yeah, I'm not not currently in any study groups. I seem to do better when I'm alone because i have a hard time memorizing things and I can read things aloud and get more done when i'm alone. But, study groups are a good idea. And i am going to try to get together with some people to study for the final.