Nurses General Nursing
Published Feb 4, 2007
336 Posts
Okay, call me a moron, but it's driving me crazy cause I cant figure out what this acronym means. I keep reading nurses referring to the noc shift. Now I kinda figured out that it's a night shift but cant figure out what the acronym stands for. PLEASE....for my sanity, just tell me what it means!!!! :roll
Inquisitive one
90 Posts
? nocturnal
Maybe it's short for noctem which is night in Latin.
Okay, I could go with that.......makes sense. Thanks!
prmenrs, RN
4,565 Posts
Give that contestant 10 pts!
Lacie, BSN, RN
1,037 Posts
NOC is also used for "narcotic of choice" in addiction/drug treatment settings. So initially I couldnt figure out what was meant either lol.
p.s. It's not a moronic question!
148 Posts
It is short for "night" shift