More jobs asking for RN or LVN same job


Specializes in School Nursing.

I've noticed more and more job postings asking for RN or LVN for the same position. I was upset when I applied for a job like that recently, only to be told basically I was not qualified.

I just don't understand why employers are lumping RN and LVN positions together if they only truly want an RN.

Don't know, but wouldn't be surprised if these are the same employers who want RNs but only want to pay wages for an MA.

Specializes in School Nursing.

Yeah I just think they are throwing the nursing net out there to see what they catch! :no:

But I swear it seems like more and more employers are doing it.

Specializes in Hospice / Psych / RNAC.

This usually happens at clinics, doctors offices, etc... They need a warm body who will accept lower wages than would usually would be paid. They will make a big deal about bankers hours but as a new person you will likely get stuck staying after hours doing stuff and then if they are open on Saturday...

I usually don't recommend accepting a salary position with these types of jobs. You will be staying after work and working extra and there will be no financial relief since you would be on a salary.

You won't see this type of advertising with hospitals and LTC/SNF where I am from. They pay union wage to keep competitive. It's the clinics and small docs office that offer $12 an hour (or more, or less) and make it sound so good. I went on an interview once with a team of doctors that specialized in blah, blah. After the interview they wanted to set up another interview. When I asked what the pay rate was I walked away. I can make more working in fine dining. I eventually prevailed but I started at the bottom.

Wherever you work you must perform at your license level. Family is one of the main motivators for nurses to accept these types of positions.

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