Montgomery College Spring 2017 hopefuls

U.S.A. Maryland


I'm applying to spring semester. I've finished all of my prerequisites and I've passed the minimum requirement for my TEAS! I know I'm a little early, but I'm wondering who else is applying?

Next weeek we get classes and clinicals!!!! So excited

Hi guys! Can someone tell me the location for the Dec 5th registration?!?


Hello everyone! For those who are doing registration today, please let us know a little about the process and which clinical you are assigned to! I'm super excited for Wednesday!

Next weeek we get classes and clinicals!!!! So excited

How was the registration day for you all!!! Did you get what you wanted! How long was is registration

I got assigned Sibley! Anyone know anything about Sibley? For registration day: First, she went over info about the nursing classes. Then, a representative for textbooks gave us information about how to get the textbooks direct for a cheaper price. After that, we got to see the uniform people. At the end, we got our clinical and CRN #'s and tried on uniforms. The tunic top is nice!

I'm so excited! But wait, I know they're choosing clinical sites, but we don't get to choose our class schedule?

I was assigned Holy Cross. I'm so happy. I was hoping for anything, but Asbury! Lol Where were you guys assigned to?

I was assigned to Holy Cross too. Not too happy about it though because I live in Germantown and I am not looking forward to the traffic mess of 270 and 495 every Friday, but it is only once a week so I can't complain!

I also got holy cross

I live in Germantown too. I really wanted Shady grove, but I'll take it. The traveling will def suck! I'll be there on Wednesdays. I hope we get to choose next semester! Registration is December 20 I think?

Hey guys! Just dropping in to say hi :) I am a rising second semester nursing student at MC and just finished my first semester there. If you guys have any questions or need any tips or suggestions about the upcoming semester please feel free to reach out to me!

Hi! I just registered! Finally 🤗 Got Holy Cross. I thought they'll assign hospitals but let us choose days even for lectures. Anyone buy textbooks yet?

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