Montgomery College Spring 2017 hopefuls

U.S.A. Maryland


I'm applying to spring semester. I've finished all of my prerequisites and I've passed the minimum requirement for my TEAS! I know I'm a little early, but I'm wondering who else is applying?

Hi guys! I am currently about to order the Nursing Fundamentals book and other materials. Do you think it is

necessary to order the textbook with PrepU or CoursePoint?

Hi guys! I am currently about to order the Nursing Fundamentals book and other materials. Do you think it is

necessary to order the textbook with PrepU or CoursePoint?

I want to order my books too, but I'm not sure about all the books we def will use. I know we need the Taylor book, but which are the other books?

We also need to get a book for 121: Wilson and Giddens (2013).Health Assessment for Nursing Practice.5th edition Mosby. I just found out today when looking back at the papers given to us back in December.

I got an email from my professor that said to buy the Taylor textbook, Docucare 2yr access, and a drug reference book; and wait until the first day of class before you buy anything else. The bookstore is putting a bundle together for those three things at some point. I don't know if that is different for other professors though.

Ok I'm pretty confused about the books. From all the papers we have gotten this is what I have gathered we need to buy

For 113:

1) Fundamentals of Nursing 8th edition, either just the text or the Coursepoint + options. I found the Coursepoint+ on MC bookstore for $180 and found what I think is the same one on the Lippincott website for $153

2) DocuCare- this can be found on both the MC bookstore website and the Lippincott for $205

3) Nursing Drug Reference of your choice ( current year)- I'm going to order a new one of Amazon or the bookstore

4) Nurses' Pocket Guide: Diagnoses, Prioritized Interventions and Rationales ( any edition within past 5 years)- found in bookstore for between $35-50.

5) Calculate with Confidence w/ cd ( 5th or 6th edition) found in bookstore for $60-80

6) Coursepoint for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills Modules. 4th edition- found on Amazon for $140

***This ^ one I am confused about though so I am e-mailing the school about it***

For 114: Will use same book as 113

For 121:

1) Health Assessment for Nursing Practice (5th edition)- found in bookstore for $75-100

Anyone have anything to add or take away from that? I really don't want to end up buying books we don't need!

hey check my post below, might help out

I got an email from my 113 professor to just get Fundamentals, DocuCare, and a drug reference. Check your email because they probably may have you sent you one as well. And for 114 and 121, yes. I ordered the Health Assessment book from amazon ($35).

I don't have any e-mails from professors in my inbox. I ended up ordering the DocuCare and the Coursepoint for Taylor's clinical nursing from the Lippincott website it was $ 377 after taxes for the two.

I ordered the other books from Amazon. Nurses pocket guide ($23), Calculate with confidence($50), 2017 drug reference ( $25), Health Assessment ($34). Still debating if I should just get the print copy for the Fundamentals of nursing or get the Lippincott coursepoint deal. I wonder when the blackboard pages will go up

I was also confused about the Coursepoint for Taylor's Clinical Nursing Skills Modules. 4th edition. Since it says either the taylor textbook or this. I did get the email about our 113 books. We also need to buy the ATI thing as well that she included in the email right? I haven't bought it yet.

For our uniforms what are we supposed to wear during class?

For 113 I assume we can wear whatever we want

For 121, it says the white lab coat but what do we wear underneath it? Is it just the lab coat thats it?

For 114, I am not sure if there is any uniform since it doesn't say

For clinical it is the nursing uniform. Does that include the lab coat?

By the way if you ordered your uniform before christmas they are ready to be picked up. I was at the campus and checked and they were ready. I don't know why they didn't call to tell us. You can pick them up where we paid for them at. Don't forget your ID

Yay, our uniforms are ready! I was unsure about the Taylor textbook VS Coursepoint, as well. I may get the textbook and then I think we can buy the extra coursepoint material separately if we need it. Anyone else know? I need to buy the ATI thing, too. I was trying to wait until Blackboard had our syllabus info up.

What is the ATI thing you guys are talking about?

For 121 I remember during the orientation they said to wear just kind of loose fitting clothing underneath the labcoat, so just a normal shirt should be fine. And for the clinical we do need to wear the uniform shoes, pants, top and also lab coat. For 113 lecture and 114 I think we can just wear whatever.

Anyone had their "clinical" today (Monday)? I know we meet at 7:30 on assigned clinical days, but what time did you get out?

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