I am sure that most SRNAs and all CRNAs know that anesthesia is usually 99% relaxation and 1% sheer terror. Where I work it is 80% relaxation and 20% sheer terror because we do primarily cardiac anesthesia. It would be great if the CRNAs and SRNAs can share some of their moments of terror in the OR. I will start by discussing my case from Yesterday. We induce a pt for an AVR repair. Pt has a hx of Afib, EF30%, +3 MR. We use a high dose narcotic technique and pavulon as MR. Pt goes into a rapid AFib 180s, B/P tolerating this for the moment. I suggest brevibloc to my attending, he decides on 150 of amiodarone. He gives it and next minute we are still in a rapid AFIB with a MAP of 38. Now seemed like a beautiful time to do a DL. I had the ETT tube in within seconds. B/P is tolerable but we are still in a rapid Afib. Again I suggest brevibloc he goes for the Digoxin. Digoxin is good but we are trying to break the arrythmia now and not 30-40 mins down the road. Finally he gives in and gives the brevibloc and low and behold within seconds we are in an Afib in the one teens. We were playing the little game of because you suggested it I will do something different. I like the guy as we get on great but he is notorious for playing these little games whereas with the other attendings it is not even an issue as they go with whoever has the best idea.