Published May 31, 2018
42 Posts
Hey all!
Move just submitted my application for Mohawks January 2019 RPN Program! Anyone else applying?? :)
45 Posts
I've applied for January 2019 RPN Program as well at Mohawk. Good luck to us!
Hey there!!
That's amazing! Have you booked your HOAE test yet?
Yes I booked my HOAE on June 25th at 930am. How about you? I'm a mature student and currently finishing up my English and Chem High school credits. Getting nervous lol
Hey! So exciting!! I'm still working on my Bio and Chem now, I'm also a mature student! Will be 34 this year, have two kiddos and am looking to chase my dreams! :) I need to call on Monday to book my HOAE, as I wasn't in their booking systems when I called yesterday! Nervous about that one! Bought a study guide, hopefully it helps!!!
Cool! Where do you take your upgrading? I bought the PSB hoae book as well
I'm doing it through ACE at Mohawk! You?
Yep that's the one I bought! I've read you can't truly study for it but I thought it would be a nice refresher since it's been years since I've been in school! LoL
Im doing it at Hill PArk Adult Day School and yes the book would really help a lot! I try to get high marks on my academic subjects so that I have a buffer in case I get low score in HOAE haha :)
Haha I hear ya!! I've done my Communications and Math so far and am pleased with my grades! Fingers crossed I do well in Chem and Bio! The courses just started and man there's a lot of work I still need to do!! :/ lol
SAme with me. Just got done with BIO, Math and now doing Chem and English..we're almost there! All the best! Are u on facebook or messenger? Im working nights right now as a PSW
Hey! I just booked my HOAE for June 27th! Now the nerves have kicked in! LoL
We are almost there, seemed so far when I started this process!
Yeah I'm on FB and have messenger! We should connect and chat some more!!
Niiice!! Good luck to us! Hmnn, i think private messaging is disabled here. I dont know how to fin u on FB haha