Misunderstanding in ER

Nurses General Nursing


Will a nurse get in trouble if their patient leaves hospital without having IV taken out of arm? I am a current NEW nursing student, I am still taking my A&P's. I went to the ER due to pain I was having and had to leave to go and get my son from school. I admit, I was a bit frazzled and rushing and told the nurse I needed to step outside to go and get my son and come back.  She said that it was fine as long as I came right back. I Did not realize that the IV was still in my arm until after I left. Hospital called within minutes and said that if I do not return, the police will be called to my house. I returned to the hospital within minutes of course, as it was a genuine accident. But the RN said that as a healthcare worker it was very suspicious to her and called me a liar. After having the IV removed, I left and returned to the hospital after getting my son. Upon being taken back to my room,  another nurse mentioned that I had just been there. And I told her that I had to leave to get my son, and she said "yes but you lied to us". After I was discharged, I walked past the nurses station and heard them talking about how "she lied to us.” I'm a little embarrassed and frustrated, and wondering if I should file a complaint, however, I feel bad that I may have gotten someone in trouble. Is that why they were acting like that? 

Mustang0909 said:

Many people, of all ages, leave a hospital setting (outpatient and inpatient) with a functional IV access. There are many IVs in the home setting. That in and of itself is not a cause for alarm.

They have a plan of care that calls for such. Entirely different scenario we are talking about.

Specializes in oncology.
bluedreamerstu said:

I am a current NEW nursing student, I am still taking my A&P's. I went to the ER due to pain I was having and had to leave to go and get my son from school. I admit, I was a bit frazzled and rushing and told the nurse I needed to step outside to go and get my son and come back.  

What was your reason for going to the ER?  "frazzled , rushing are not reason for temporarily leaving the ER. Did you not have anyone  to help you with your son? Was in the ER room with you? Nope you had to 

"had to leave to go" and pick him him up.   I truly hope you got the care you needed

If you are able to get into a car to pick up child, you do not need to be in the ER.  If you are applying to nursing school after you get your perquisites done like  (A & P),  I wish you well. Rushing  in to the ER for abdominal pain in the ER,  when you can drive, pick up a child etc. seems misuse for service . If you received any pain medication it would be contraindicated to drive.  Okay, what if you needed to be admitted? While you love and want your child with you, if there was no one to call for care...your child would go to a foster or relationship placement if you were admitted. I understand you had no expectation of being admitted....but why have the child sequestered in the ER with you?

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