Missing lab for graduation @another school?

Nursing Students General Students


  1. Would you miss lab and class to attend graduation?

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I have a dilemma. I took so many classes while doing pre-nursing/ trying to get into a nursing school, that I accumulated enough credits to graduate this May with my associates! ������

However, I started a nursing program in January and my nursing classes start in May. If I go to the graduation I will miss a lab AND class for nursing 101 ������.

I am torn bc while nursing is my ultimate goal, no one in my family has ever graduated from a college, my parents didn't go past middle school! I worked really hard for that little associates degree!

What would you do?

Specializes in SICU, trauma, neuro.

What about taking your parents out for dinner, gift-wrap your diploma with a heartfelt thank-you for their support? And tell them that you really look forward to inviting them to your nursing school graduation and pinning?

My dad was prouder at my pinning ceremony than graduation, I think. :)

I missed my associates and bachelors degree ceremonies, due to being in classes necessary to get into nursing school. My kids can watch me walk at my nursing school graduation. Long term goal is way more important than a grad ceremony

I get it, totally do. I did the same thing, BUT my graduation was last May and I wasn't in Nursing School yet. Eyes on the bigger prize...

The Associate's graduation was kinda lame, in my opinion (mine was). Another caveat for mine: I was not able to attend HS graduation due to being in ICU at the time from an MVA that happened two days prior.

I'm super stoked about BSN graduation though. That will be Feb. 2019 :) I had my 1st day of Nursing School last night (4/12/2017). Exciting stuff :)

But yes, back to you...Eyes on the much bigger prize. If you miss a day AND a lab, it could affect your grade.

Specializes in ED, med-surg, peri op.

You've worked so hard, celebrate it!!!!! this is a big a deal that means a lot to you.

It will also be an amazing motivator for the rest of your studies.

Its one day that you will remember for the rest of your life, unlike that class you will most probably of forgotten by the end of semester. Email your lecturers and tell them you won't be there because of this, and explain why its a massive deal, and they will understand. Also let them know you will catch up by doing x and appreciate any info they can give you to catch up.

I graduate in November with my bsn, no one in my family has studied. Only my dad finished high school. My mum or 3 sisters didn't. So getting a bachelors degree is huge, nothing will stop me going to that graduation. I know exactly how you are feeling. Celebrate this moment!!!

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