3 Misdemeanors

Nurses Criminal


  1. Will I be able to the NCLEX with 3 drug misdemeanors

16 members have participated

So I am a nursing student in Indiana, second to last quarter. My graduation date is set to be in September of 2018. I was charged in late March 2018 with 3 drug misdemeanor charges. A, B, C drug charges. I have gotten a lawyer and I haven't even had a court date yet. In other words, I haven't been convicted. But, if convicted what are the chances I can take the boards and have a licence? I realize that the BON looks at each individual case and goes from there. My question is if you know anyone or you personally were in a similar situation, could you share your experience? I have read a few already, with one being a person with 3 felonies that had been approved and someone with a DUI years ago that didn't. Unfortunately, I also have a juvenile record. I'm not exactly sure of the charges but I know that they were both misdemeanor drug charges as well (there were two separate arrests, one at probably 16, the other 17). I have heard mixed things about the juvenile record with some saying that the BON is able to see the charges and some saying they can't. I am 20 now and I could see that being young could also be a deterrent from being approved. When I graduate in September if convicted, the charges will only be from 5 months ago. Again, I realize the BON goes case by case but what were your experiences if in a similar situation as me?

Specializes in Geriatrics, Dialysis.

This may be a case of hope for the best but expect the worst. Since you are so close to being done with school definitely finish if you are able. Go through all the steps necessary to test the NCLEX and hope you are allowed to. There is certainly no guarantee that the BON will approve you, there is frankly no guarantee that you will be able to even finish school.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if you are expelled from the nursing program. I can't imagine your school is going to be forgiving of drug charges while you are a student. Maybe you'll get lucky there if the school doesn't come down on you as long as the charges are pending and you aren't yet convicted, but I sure wouldn't count on that. You might not be able to go to clinical sites with pending drug charges which would most likely make finishing with your class impossible.

Even if you are able to finish school and sit the NCLEX if you are convicted you will probably have a difficult time finding a job with a reputable employer. Most require background checks and many deem you ineligible for hire with any drug or violence related arrests and/or convictions. Really all you can do is go through the process and hope for the best.

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