Published Mar 2, 2008
309 Posts
I do a little work at a weight management clinic and have heard many reasons why some have difficulty managing their weight. One is those who have the Depot Prevera injection and from my research this seems to be one of the recognised side effects. Some have suggested the Mirena IUD has the same side effect being the same hormone, but after trying to do a little reseach it would suggest that because the hormone is released directly into the uterus it shouldn't have the side affects?
This is not my area of expertise and would like to learn a bit more - could anyone direct me to where I can get some unbiased information?
52 Posts
I cannot give you any clinical reasons, but I can tell you my experience with it. I noticed a few months after it was placed that although my periods had ceased, I had extreme PMS and was eating excessive amounts. It was weird, but I did gain 20 pds. for the 1 yr. I had it. But, I don't know if my experience was typical....mine fell out!
66 Posts
I work in a military health clinic and have had a good number of women come in for the Mirena IUD placement. Most have not had weight gain as a side effect. What some women do not realize is that once the IUD is placed, you may bleed for a few weeks/months until your body becomes adjusted at which point you may have no periods at all! (YAY!) That is the one SE that causes some women to have it removed (I'm guessing because they don't want to wait out the bleeding period (no pun intended)...while I'm sure it's unpleasant to bleed for weeks, I'd think it's worth holding out, but that's just me).
You may have already tried this but here's the website for Mirena: I know you asked for UNbiased information, but they do have a lot of information which is good for the lay person (if a patient where you work is asking). Also, I'd search for professional articles regarding research on the topic. It's sometimes hard to find that online without a medical library at your fingertips, but you never may get lucky.
I think it's always important to remember that every women is different and their body may respond differently to various birth control methods. In general, Mirena should be a good alternative to methods such as the shot and pill which are more likely (than Mirena) to cause weight gain.
Thanks for this site - I hadn't found this before I was directed to a lot of UK based sites. Interesting it says won't cause SIGNIFICANT wt gain - I wonder if J-ME would consider 20lb insignificant?
I did find one site that was really anti Mirena and so wasn't helpful at all.
I suppose like anything as individuals we will react differently - some will have SE others won't.
Thank you again - Jane
RNKatePSU said:I work in a military health clinic and have had a good number of women come in for the Mirena IUD placement. Most have not had weight gain as a side effect. What some women do not realize is that once the IUD is placed, you may bleed for a few weeks/months until your body becomes adjusted at which point you may have no periods at all! (YAY!) That is the one SE that causes some women to have it removed (I'm guessing because they don't want to wait out the bleeding period (no pun intended)...while I'm sure it's unpleasant to bleed for weeks, I'd think it's worth holding out, but that's just me).You may have already tried this but here's the website for Mirena: I know you asked for UNbiased information, but they do have a lot of information which is good for the lay person (if a patient where you work is asking). Also, I'd search for professional articles regarding research on the topic. It's sometimes hard to find that online without a medical library at your fingertips, but you never may get lucky.I think it's always important to remember that every women is different and their body may respond differently to various birth control methods. In general, Mirena should be a good alternative to methods such as the shot and pill which are more likely (than Mirena) to cause weight gain.
You're welcome!
10 Posts
I have had my Mirena for 14 months now, and it was an excellent choice for me--I love it! I had spotty bleeding for the first two months, then after that, I have not had any bleeding at all. No periods whatsoever.
As far as the weight gain, I have not experienced that. I have lost about 15 pounds since I got my Mirena, thru eating well and exercising hard.
Couldn't be happier!
11 Posts
I know my experience may not be typical, but I had gastric bypass one year prior to getting the Mirena inserted. Within a month of getting the Mirena, my weight loss came to a halt completely and I still had about 50 pounds left to lose. Its been a year since I got the mirena and I still haven't lost a single pound even with exercise and the standard bariatric diet. I have actually GAINED 10 pounds. I have read up on all of this and there are LOTS of people out there who have had issues with the Mirena. Doctors (including my own) swear that it only works locally on the uterine area, but if that is the case, why do so many people have the systemic hormonal effects such as worsening PMS, weight gain, acne, ovarian cysts, and the famous "mirena crash" (that occurs shortly after its removal)? No one will ever convince me that this doesn't work systemically. Although my experience may not be typical, I think that these symptoms do occur in a lot of Mirena users. I had a $40,000 procedure to help drastically improve my health by losing weight only to have it sabatoged by the Mirena. I am scheduled to have this thing removed next week. BTW, I was one of the people who was singing its praises initially. I didn't need it for birth control purposes but to help control horrendous periods. From day one, I never had a period with the Mirena so on one hand it did its job but on the other hand it caused other problems. But.....everybody is different.
18 Posts
i recently delivered my 2nd son in december of 2007. my husband emphatically opposes more children. i had the mirena placed as soon as my 6 week check-up permitted. i have had the spotting and i have had some weight gain but i attribute it to not working yet. i just passed my nclex on the 19th of feb and i have to find a job that i want so i would say go for it if you are looking into the mirena. just make sure that the dr cuts the strings short enough because they are like wires and they stuck me quite a few times and my husband too. (ouch:nono:)
god's gift
kimberlee, lpn
ann945n, RN
548 Posts
I had a paraguard for over a year and had it removed. I know you are asking about Mirena but I wanted to chime in that I had mine removed because of constant (for the most part) discomfort. It was easily fixed with NSAIDS but I hated the pain onset and having to deal with it. Other than that is was wonderful to have. It was a pitty that I had a side effect of it Its wonderful to not think about BC!
crissrn27, RN
904 Posts
ann945n said:I had a paraguard for over a year and had it removed. I know you are asking about Mirena but I wanted to chime in that I had mine removed because of constant (for the most part) discomfort. It was easily fixed with NSAIDS but I hated the pain onset and having to deal with it. Other than that is was wonderful to have. It was a pitty that I had a side effect of it Its wonderful to not think about BC!
I had paraguard for a whooping 8 months after the birth of my last dd. I had that pain you are talking about, and I'm allergic to most NSAIDS:o I also developed a 8cm ovarian cyst, and a raging uterine infection. The main reason I had it removed is b/c I wasn't sure how it worked, obviously not like my OB told me it did, always do your own research, don't just trust your doc, lol.
I thought about the Mirena b/c of the hormone additive after this. At least the studies are mostly sure that the hormones prevent pregnancy. I didn't get it because of all the consumer reports of weight gain. I don't need any help in that area, lol:D
176 Posts
I have the Mirena and have had it over 4 years now. I plan on having it replaced when the 5 years are up with a new one. I have had no side effects, in fact, less PMS than before. I have very light periods, hardly any cramping at all. As far as weight gain, I think I can contribute a 5lb weight gain to the Mirena. The rest of my weight gain I contribute to bad eating habits and lack of exercise (aka nursing school!!). Before school (and 1 year post Mirena insertion) I went on a diet and lost 20lbs. During school I gained 12 back. I'm losing it again now just by eating better and exercising, not "dieting". I love the Mirena for BC. Its a great option for me.
4 Posts
Im glad I found this thread. I am so confused and scared right now I dont know what to do so anyone who has any advice for me I will gladly take it. I had my mirena put in July 2007. No pregnancies before. I put it in because I have had severely heavy menstrual cycles due to PCOS. I thought I was originally losing weight. But in the past ten months, I have gained 20 lbs, developed severe and intense migraine headaches ( never used to before), I bled for almost 4 months straight, cycle never was regulated (and that is why I put it in). I am scheduled to take it out next month because I wanted to make some changes in my food habits starting this summer. ( although i eat better and exercise more than i did before i put the IUD in). Am i making the right decision in taking it out? I have a friend that had 2 kids, and put the IUD in, and she took it out after about 8 months. She developed migraines, back pain, weakness and tiredness. AM I MAKING THE RIGHT?