MiraCosta vs. Palomar Nursing Program

Nursing Students School Programs


Hi! I was just accepted into MiraCosta's nursing program (waiting to hear back from Palomar still) and I'm looking for feedback from current/past students who either went to MCC or Palomar and what they thought of their nursing school experience at each school. I'm not sure what the pros and cons are of either program and would love to hear from others to help me figure out which school would be better suited for me! Thanks so much!

Can you let me know your cutoff point to be accepted? I have just sent out the application on July 31, 2019. How long you received your notification after the deadline?

Specializes in Paramedic.

Just wondering if you went with Palomar or MiraCosta? any pros and cons so far? thanks!

What was your accepted points for MCC and Palomar? Also what do you think of the MCC program? Congrats that really hard to get into! I’m currently applying now 

Hi! I believe my cohort had points in the high 80’s to 90s. MCC is a great program - very challenging, but overall I’d say given the pandemic I had a good experience. I loved the small cohort size and for the most part we had awesome professors. My cohort is currently taking the NCLEX and we’re all passing no problem - MCC did an excellent job preparing us. Good luck! Let me know if you have any other questions! 

@sdgirl1Thats great to hear! I cant wait to start that process, its been a journey.

Also its good to hear that they accepted those with high 80's into the program! Being at around at 89 points I really didn't think I had a chance. :) 

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