Published Feb 21, 2010
187 Posts
Quite a moving song by Mindy McCready on an episode of Celebrity rehab. Family week.
Warning: This clip is known to induce an involuntary release from the tear ducts. Kleenex is recommended.
Just a few side thought here. First, I meant to say Mindy not Cindy.
My interpretation of the song was a person telling a story of their struggle with addiction and the misery that resulted. The story reveals a struggle, but at the same time, a revelation takes place during the song. From the chains of bondage that binds an addict, there was an echo out in the corridors of the darkness. The chains could be broken and salvation was at hand for the willing.
I think the show helps us to see that addiction is not prejudice. It knows no bounds, it attacks the wealthy, the poor, the hard working and the lazy. Addiction does not discriminate based on creed, religion, or race and can infect anyone.
Parts of the video clip that I found most moving were the profound impacts the song had on some of the celebs. It seemed that at that moment that they were open and vulnerable to emotion, so much pent up pain and feelings that were for so long held inside at bay by self-medicating were suddenly released.
Sorry if that was long winded, I just felt the piece to be quite moving and encourage people on this section of the forum to view it.
sissiesmama, ASN, RN
1,898 Posts
I just started watching it last season, and dh joined me this season. It has been pretty good, but when Mindy sang her song, I definetly needed the Kleenex. The only other part (which affected me so much worse) was when Makenzie had to put her dog to sleep.
Anne, RNC
NotReady4PrimeTime, RN
5 Articles; 7,358 Posts
Michaelxy, would you like me to edit the thread header so it says Mindy?
Would you? That would be so nice.
Thank you very much :)
670 Posts
What an amazing song! Thanks for sharing the link Mike! This has been one of the more emotionally wrenching shows I've ever seen. The folks in treatment are extremely ill and I applaud their courage in allowing their struggles to be filmed. Watching Tom Sizemore's reaction to Mindy's song was extremely painful to watch and my Dad, recovering daughter and I were SOBBING by the end. It brought back all of the emotions I experienced during my treatment over 20 years ago. But all three of us were hugging each other and expressing our love for each other as well.
My daughter was raped her freshman year in college. Someone slipped some GHB into her drink. Coupled with her marijuana and cocaine use, she has no recall of the incident. She remembers going to the bathroom and then waking up in the ER. A couple of friends found her several hours after she left the bar and took her to the ER. She finally ended up in treatment and has 3.5 years of sobriety!
My Dad told us of his sexual abuse as a child be several young boys a few years older than he was. He had never shared that with anyone until three years the age of 80!He is now part of a group of men who were also sexually abused as children. I'm fortunate to be a part of this group. I originally attended early meetings to support Dad, As the weeks passed it was clearly evident that we all shared similar "issues" and I've become an honorary member of the group. Dad finally told us of his molestation after it came out that my sister was molested by a mentally handicapped uncle who lived with us.
We have become incredibly close as a result of our shared experiences and are developing a ministry for families dealing with these issues. Little did I realize that my addiction and treatments would eventually lead to my whole family finding recovery.
Sorry about the rambling post, but that song and the reactions REALLY got to me and I'm glad to see others experienced the same thing. We are all living proof that recovery IS possible. We are ALL miracles, and I'm honored to be a part of this recovering family!!!!
Up here in Canada our viewing of Celebrity Rehab is several weeks behind the US so I hadn't seen this yet. I've always believed that the most touching and moving songs have come from deeply personal experience and this just proves it. I also believe that a person can't begin to deal with their pain until they allow themselves to feel it. We can't slay our demons until we know what they look like.
I don't have substance abuse issues but I very easily could have. The genetic predisposition is definitely there (multigenerational and on both sides). It would have been "easier" for me perhaps to go that route than to face all the traumatic experiences of my life and I can't even say why I didn't take it, I just know that I am who I am because of where I've been. I looked my demons in the eye then lopped off their heads and moved on. I wish it could be that way for everyone. Jack, your family has much to be proud of.
The raw emotion Mindy's song provoked in her audience may turn out to be an essential part of their healing. Only time will tell, but I so hope they all prevail.
Amen to that! Absolutely true as well.