Military Nurse Reservist Question

Specialties Government


So I have read quite a few of the threads on this site about people interested in entering Military Nursing and the various website for Air Force, Navy and Army Nursing Corps. When it comes to my career decisions, I tend to research a lot before deciding, but I am new to the military aspect of careers, hence this post.

So some background:

I am interested in joining a nursing corps as a reservist (I have not narrowed my interest to one over another). I am at the higher end of the age scale (44 & many people keep telling me that "waivers" are available), I have worked approx. 1.5 years on a medical/surgical floor and currently just over 1 year in an Adult Medical ICU. My BSN is my 3rd (yes, 3rd) Bachelors degree (Biology and Criminal Justice), and I am thinking of trying to obtain my CCRN certification. And before anyone asks, I am in decent shape for a 44yoa, I currently practice Brazilian Jiu-jitsu with a 2-stripe brown belt to my name and with work, I am able to train 2-4 days a week with active rolling of approx. 45minutes to an hour. Yes, I am married (just celebrated 20years this year) but kids are 4-legged and furry.

-Also I totally get the possibility of being "called" to active duty and being deployed, especially with all the terrorist things that have been happening of late.

-I have contacted the Army Nurse Corps and been contacted by the local (Indiana) Medical Recruiter (although we have not yet spoken with each other). This was before I learned of the Navy and Air Force nursing corps.

My question:

It seems to me that most, if not all have similar sign-on bonuses, nursing school loan repayments and required time commitments (between 3-6 years). And as I am not "hung-up" on one branch over another, can those that are reservists or have-been reservists RN's tell me the pro's and con's of each?

Also, correct or not - with the medical reserves, you will enter as an officer? And does each branch supply uniforms, needed equipment?

*Any and all information about medical reservists will be very helpful, I thank you all in advance.

Specializes in Adult Critical Care.

No idea. A healthcare recruiter would be a better source on that. That stuff is always changing.

Specializes in U.S. Army Reserve 1LT 66S - ICU.

I'm currently in the process of comissioning as an officer in the Army Nurse Corp. My MOS is 66h8a critical care nurse and since I've been a nurse for around 8 years my recruiter told me I would commission as an 02 first lt. Also for the age waiver part my co-worker is an FNP 43 years old and is trying to join reserves as well, after MEPS he was able to get an age-waiver but like yourself he is in good shape - best of luck!

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