you might be a nurse

Nurses General Nursing


You Might Be A Nurse If........

you stopped biting your nails when you realized what might be dried under there!""

when in school, you diagnosed yourself with every illness in the book.

Very funny :D

You've ever run out of linens, syringes, IV fluid, meds, and patience all at the same time

You do the "only-27-more-minutes-of-the-shift-from-hell happy dance"

You believe air goes in and out, blood goes round and round, any variation on this is a bad thing.

You believe the more equipment you see on a nurses belt, the newer they are. ;)

You believe there is no such thing as a "textbook case"

You believe in the underwear theory of charting: Keep your a$$ covered!

You own at least three pens with the names of prescription medications on them!

You live for the thrill of always driving in the opposite direction of rush hour traffic.

You can drink a pot of coffee and still go to sleep in the morning.

You are willing to beg, borrow, or steal not to work the night daylight savings time goes into effect.

You want to throttle anyone that states: Night shift must be so boring, all the patients do is sleep

Okay I'll stop now!!

:D :D

Originally posted by BrandyBSN

when in school, you diagnosed yourself with every illness in the book.

Guy's these are too funny. Here's few more:You might be a nurse if 1.You have three pens with prescription medications on them wash your hands BEFORE you go to the restroom. 3.You wolf down a sandwich while emptying your badder. 4.You would beg, borrow and steal not to work the night daylight savings time goes into effect: :eek:
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