Mid manhattan/brooklyn adult lpn

U.S.A. New York


has anyone attended this program? i take the entrance test in april and i dont know what to expect. is it very hard? is this program any good?

Hello Poettree,

Could you tell me what the tabe test is like... Is it computer based???

Thank you for your kind words, I hope that we all get accepted!

The TABE exam is computerized and is made up of reading, math, and numerical analysis. If you pass the C-net exam, the TABE should be easier. There is less time allotted for this exam but I believe the grading for this exam is not based on how well you scored compared to other test takers. The TABE exam is used to see if you perform above a certain grade level. Also, you receive your TABE scores right after you take it so it beats waiting another 3wks for your results. Hope this helped and keep me updated =)

Thanks so much for the info.... Will definately keep you posted!!! This 3 week wait for the C-Net results are killing me..... Thanks again...

Hi Poettree. Congrats on your progress so far. Sounds like you are in! I am a male prospective student. Like you I have passed both Cnet and the Tabe recently. I am now preparing the docs to return with the application.

Was the interview easy sailing? Or a real grilling on why you want to be a nurse? Just curious. Can't wait to return mine and get it off my head.


Congrats to you too for passing both exams! The interview was very informal and very short. The director merely asked if I had any hospital experience mainly because there are sponsorship for those who have. However, lack of experience wouldn't make you look any less of a competitive applicant. In addition, you will need the CPR certificate but not until you're in the program. She told me she doesnt see any problems with me getting in. I hope she wasn't just saying this to make me feel good haha.

Hope this helped =) Which location are you applying for? I wish the best of luck for both of us. Keep me updated!

Hi Poettree,

Thanks for the info. I want to go to Mid Manhattan if I am successful. I am not sure why I was scheduled to do the TABE at the Goldwater location. Everyone I know who did this before was processed at Mid Manhattan.

Will they assign us or will it be a choice? Do you know? I just prefer Mid Manhattan because I am in the Bronx and its easier commute.

I think the TABE exam was at the Goldwater for everyone...it was for me at least. I think it's cause the director of the program has her office at Goldwater.

On your application, you are given a choice as to where you want to go if accepted. I too, put down Mid-Manhattan because I reside in the Bronx as well. Hope we both get in so we can be classmates :)

I hope so too. I will be returning my docs this week. Lets see how it goes.

Hey! have you handed in your papers yet? How do you think the interviewing process went?

I took my cnet test today, this was the last and final test today. I registered for the test in Nov but cnet never sent me a test date. Finally I started hounding them after I became worried in March. I really hope that being in the last group to take the test does not negatively affect my chances of getting in. I'm worried about the language part and a little about the math I pray I get in. I'm currently taking a medical assistant course and it would be nice to start in Sept. Wish me luck I badly want to get into this program :eek: and work towards my goal of being a rn!

and congrats to everyone who are in!!!!

Hi all! I got the results of my cnet test yesterday and I scored in the 90th percentile.:yeah:

Total score 139/90

Reading 35/72

Numerical 49/97

Language 55/76

Im so happy. I take the TABE in 2 weeks. Wish me luck and good luck to all who are trying to get in the program!

Hello, can anyone help me, I tried calling the Board of Ed to ask for information but no one is picking up the phone in the nursing department. I took the cnet test and got my results back. I didn't do so well in the language part but they are still sending me to take the TABE exam and are saying something about a "Prep Program" Does anyone know anything about the Prep Program?????

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