Published Nov 7, 2005
1 Post
Hello to everyone!!
I have decided that I would like to go into nursing but I have a record. I recieved two minor in possesion of alcohols and a possesion of marijuana charge. One minor in possesion I recieved last year along with the marijuana, and one minor in possesion this year. I am worried about going through the nursing program and then not being able to get licensed.
I was told that I could have the marijuana charge expunged five years from the sentencing date, which will be in another four years. The other charges I am stuck with.
Can anyone give me advice on whether or not I may get licensed? Anyone been in the same situation??
Please let me know. This is really what I have my heart set on and I can't even think of another career for me.
This is for the state of michigan so if anyone has infomation please help me out.
Thanks for your time!
Elizabeth Hanes, BSN, RN
14 Articles; 297 Posts
Ask your state's board of nursing. Your local nursing school also might be able to give you an answer.
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
hello to everyone!!i have decided that i would like to go into nursing but i have a record. i recieved two minor in possesion of alcohols and a possesion of marijuana charge. one minor in possesion i recieved last year along with the marijuana, and one minor in possesion this year. i am worried about going through the nursing program and then not being able to get licensed.i was told that i could have the marijuana charge expunged five years from the sentencing date, which will be in another four years. the other charges i am stuck with. can anyone give me advice on whether or not i may get licensed? anyone been in the same situation?? please let me know. this is really what i have my heart set on and i can't even think of another career for me.this is for the state of michigan so if anyone has infomation please help me out.thanks for your time!anna
i have decided that i would like to go into nursing but i have a record. i recieved two minor in possesion of alcohols and a possesion of marijuana charge. one minor in possesion i recieved last year along with the marijuana, and one minor in possesion this year. i am worried about going through the nursing program and then not being able to get licensed.
i was told that i could have the marijuana charge expunged five years from the sentencing date, which will be in another four years. the other charges i am stuck with.
can anyone give me advice on whether or not i may get licensed? anyone been in the same situation??
please let me know. this is really what i have my heart set on and i can't even think of another career for me.
this is for the state of michigan so if anyone has infomation please help me out.
thanks for your time!
hello, anna and to
this issue has been discussed many, many times here at allnurses. you can do a search and find response to questions just like yours. normally, the response is the same.
you must declare this when you apply for licensure after graduation from the nursing program. the state bon will decide your case collectively as a board. they do not give instructions or offer any assistance regarding these issues. now, you can contact them and i am sure they will tell you that upon completion/graduation of your nursing program, they will make a decision.
also, some nursing programs require background checks. if your program does, you may or may not be granted entry.
i wish you luck in all that you do.
1,987 Posts
Hi Anna and welcome to allnurses!
Exactly as siri said, you need to contact the Board of Nursing in Michigan. That's the first step.
Secondly, I know that you aren't at this point yet but when you apply for a job you might have a problem. You need to declare ALL misdemeanors and felonies, and human resources may not look favorably on your application, especially since it involves drugs.
I'm just mentioning this because you don't want to go through all that hard work of nursing school just to be denied a job.
You didn't mention your age. If you are a younger person (like
This is something you definitely need to check out with your BON in Michigan. Best of luck to you!
Daytonite, BSN, RN
1 Article; 14,604 Posts
You need to check the Michigan nursing law. If these specific misdemeanors, by law, prevent the board from granting a license, the law will lay it out and you will know exactly where you stand. If Michigan law does not address this issue, then the state board of nursing will have some sort of a position on it. State boards issue position statements on how they are interpreting nursing law for their state. They may not be able to give you a specific individual answer for your case, but will tell you what their policy is on this. I know that out here in California, there in nothing in the state nursing law that will prevent someone in your case from going to nursing school and applying for a license. But, here's the rub. . .the facilities in which nursing students do their clinicals may require a criminal and fingerprint search as part of their hospital policy and may deny you from doing any kind of patient care activities in their hospital--then you've got a problem. California state board specific says on their web site that they consider each application for license where there are misdeanors on a case by case basis. This means you have to complete nursing school first and then they will look at your case before granting (or not granting you) a license. So, you need to look into this, but don't expect to get a definitive answer from your state board on your particular situation.